Sentences with phrase «gifted scientist»

My adviser, a truly gifted scientist and a generous and kind person, had his hands full with me.
With gifted scientists and researchers dedicated to studying our four - legged companions, we probably won't have to wait long to find out.
The rave review is dedicated to When Breath Becomes Air, the autobiography of Paul Kalanithi, a Stanford neurosurgeon and gifted scientist who sadly died of cancer at the age of 36.
University and government labs worldwide offer first - rate opportunities for a few gifted scientists to work to understand the basic phenomenon of superconductivity and develop it in ways that will facilitate commercialization.
Indeed, according to Roddam Narasimha, the DST Year - of - Science Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Jakkur, Bangalore, the big problem with research in India's university system is not so much funding as «the difficulty universities have in attracting gifted scientists from within the country or abroad.»
Two socially inept tweens — gifted scientist Laurence and burgeoning magic - wielder Patricia — are thrust into a whirlpool of world - ending change and join forces in this knock - your - socks - off blend of science and magic, which follows the pair over decades, as they grow from friends to enemies to potential lovers.
Sagan was a gifted scientist, thinker, and communicator who made major contributions to planetary science, exobiology, and public policy.
Gifted scientists may find their skills wasted as administrative tasks they aren't good at take up all their time.
A few years from now, in Italy, a gifted scientist discovers links between time and the human brain and between her lover's novel and his life.
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