Sentences with phrase «gifted young singer»

(Gonzalez is a very gifted young singer.)

Not exact matches

In Bryan Singer's X2, his 2003 sequel to X-Men, one of the young students at Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is forced through outside circumstances to tell his family that he has not, in fact, been attending a normal boarding school — that he has mutant powers, and he is attending a school that is...
A once - popular singer, desperate to make a comeback, turning from the one certainty in his life... A man whose unerring taste in music is the only thing his closest friends value in him... A struggling singer - songwriter unwittingly involved in the failing marriage of a couple he's only just met... A gifted, underappreciated jazz musician who lets himself believe that plastic surgery will help his career... A young cellist whose tutor promises to «unwrap» his talent... Passion or necessity — or the often uneasy combination of the two — determines the place of music in each of these lives.
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