Sentences with word «gillnet»

The threats include accidental drowning in shrimp nets and in gillnets set illegally for an endangered giant croaker, the totoaba, which has a swim bladder that is a pricey black - market delicacy in China.
In 2015, the Mexican government instituted a two - year gillnet ban over the range of the vaquita.
Instead, the new acoustic study found that the decline has accelerated along with a resumption of illegal gillnet fishing for totoaba.
-- Mexico will make permanent a ban on the use of gillnets in all fisheries throughout the range of the vaquita in the upper Gulf of California;
The biggest threat to the vaquita is the use of fishing nets that inadvertently catch and drown them, most notably gillnets used to illegally catch the critically endangered totoaba fish.
Sea Shepherd crew saves the life of an adult leatherback turtle entangled in illegal gillnet in the Upper Gulf of California, Mexico — a Federally Protected and UNESCO listed Area.
Our Wild Pink Salmon are caught in a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fishery using Set Gillnets, Purse Seine, and Driftnet methods.
In an unprecedented move in April of 2015 that demonstrated Mexico's commitment to conservation, President Peña Nieto announced a two - year gillnet ban throughout the vaquitas» range, compensated fishermen and related industries for their loss of income, and enhanced multi-agency enforcement of the ban led by the Mexican Navy.
Still, some conservationists worry captive breeding will sap political will for protecting vaquitas from gillnets.
In June of 2017, the ban on gillnet fishing was made permanent.
BLOOM advocates catching flatfish with gillnets, stationary curtains of netting that have a much lower bycatch rate than either kind of trawling and do less damage to the sea floor.
When water temperatures rise, or are forecasted to rise, as happens during an El Niño event, managers close that area to the drift gillnet fishery for swordfish.
The plan involves relocating some of the remaining vaquitas to a temporary sanctuary, while crucial efforts aimed at eliminating illegal fishing and removing gillnets from their environment continue.
This study updates understanding of white shark relative abundance trends, seasonal distribution, habitat use, and fisheries interactions, most of which occur with rod and reel, longline, and gillnet gear.
This «behavior puts humpbacks at jeopardy from bottom - set fishing gear such as gillnets and trap fisheries, which is heavily used in our study area and is a known risk to humpback whales,» the researchers note.
They then used commercial gillnets to fish the lakes and found that they bagged the bolder fish three times faster than the shy ones, which were left behind to multiply.
Once the porpoises have been found, the team envisions herding vaquitas into lightweight surface gillnets — a tactic that's been used to satellite - tag dozens of harbor porpoises in Greenland without any fatalities.
But legal gillnets are only partly to blame for the crisis.
The study drew upon the Southwest Fisheries Science Center's collection of skin tissue samples gathered from dolphins inadvertently entangled in gillnets off Southern California from 1991 to 2008, highlighting the value of that collection over time.
That very feeling of helplessness led experts at The Marine Mammal Center to develop innovative rescue techniques that allow them to remove entanglements, mostly gillnets, from wild marine mammals without risking human lives in the process.
«The vaquita is in need of urgent action to prevent its extinction, and while we're pleased that Mexico's finally moving forward with a long - overdue gillnet ban, there are few indications government officials will see that it is actually implemented or maintained,» said Brendan Cummings, senior counsel at the Center for Biological Diversity.
Gillnets targeting swordfish and thresher sharks are set off of Southern California and are typically a mile - long in diameter.
«Over the past decade, scientists estimate that Mexican gillnet and longline fisheries have killed over 2,000 endangered North Pacific Ocean loggerheads a year.
Having declined over 90 per cent in just 20 years, the vaquita continues to plummet toward extinction despite a two - year ban on gillnet fishing that began in May 2015, as well as surveillance efforts by Mexico's government, environmental authorities and military.
Deckhand participating in the harvest of gillnet caught salmon.
Officials have failed to enforce past limits on gillnet fishing, and boats regularly sneak into what had once been a small vaquita refuge of about 480 square miles.
The vaquitas, whose popular name translates as «little cow,» are dying at an accelerated rate because of an increase in the illegal gillnet fishery for the totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi).
It's called the vaquita porpoise, and it has the bad luck of being caught in gillnets that fishermen set for other species.
There's other collateral damage, too: Trawling and bottom - set gillnets (which are left on the seafloor and then hauled up) can contain up to 20 % «bycatch» of unwanted species, such as deepwater sharks.
Additionally, the Mexican government implemented a financial compensation program to provide income to fishermen affected by the two - year gillnet ban.
Adidas is planning to make sportswear from gillnets.
While Mexico's gillnet ban is an important step forward in vaquita conservation, it will be unlikely to prevent extinction of the species unless there is a lasting commitment to rigorous enforcement to stop illegal fishing.
The plan will be implemented in tandem with ongoing efforts to remove the threat of gillnets in the Upper Gulf of California and eliminate illegal fishing.
The precipitous decline of the vaquita has been primarily driven by accidental deaths of the porpoises in fishing gillnets.
Despite strong enforcement, illegal gillnets are still being set to catch an endangered fish known as totoaba, the swim bladders of which fetch large sums of money on Hong Kong and Chinese black markets.
They know this because loggerheads are occasionally caught in the gillnets used by swordfish fishermen.
In the age of gillnets and trawls, the evolutionary advantages of group spawning can paradoxically imperil the species» survival.
«This is the first large - scale gillnet ban to save a species from extinction, and includes provisions for the development of alternative fishing gear to replace gillnets,» said Barbara Taylor, chair of the Society's Conservation Committee, who recently returned from more than two months aboard a research ship surveying the northern Gulf of California for vaquita.
Three vaquitas killed in gillnets were recovered during surveillance activities last spring and alarming quantities of totoaba gill nets have been found and removed in recent months.
Unfortunately, vaquitas continue to die in totoaba nets despite the valiant efforts by law enforcement agencies, the Mexican Navy, and conservation groups to prevent illegal fishing since the gillnet ban came into effect in April 2015, immediately before the new acoustic and visual studies were launched.
The vaquita population has been declining for decades, in large part because the diminutive, 1.5 - meter - long cetaceans are prone to becoming entangled in gillnets and drowning.
, the scientists urge that the country establish a gillnet exclusion zone for the small porpoises» entire range beginning in September 2014.
In a report to the Mexican presidential commission on vaquita conservation, the scientists urge that the country establish a gillnet exclusion zone for the small porpoises» entire range beginning in September 2014.
An international team of scientists says that the critically endangered vaquita, a species of porpoise (Phocoena sinus) found only in Mexico's Gulf of California, is fast approaching extinction and that all gillnet fishing in the animal's range must be banned.
Those concerns were partly alleviated on 22 July, when the Mexican government announced that gillnets would be permanently banned from the area.
Dan Nichols was hauling in a gillnet laden with the fruits of a late - season Alaskan salmon run when something heavy flopped out of it, then slid to the front of his boat.
The results suggest that the unusually warm waters that ushered the skipjack north, where it blundered into a gillnet intended for cold water - loving salmon, could be largely explained by natural variation.
The two - year moratorium on the use of gillnets will give researchers time to improve vaquita - safe nets that will catch enough shrimp to generate sufficient income for fishermen.
It further recommends increased efforts to introduce alternatives to gillnet fishing in the communities that will be affected by enforcement of the exclusion zone.
Elisabeth Malkin has kept up with the latest developments for The Times, including the rise in totoaba smuggling and Mexico's announcement last Friday that it will ban gillnets for two years across 5,000 square miles of the upper Gulf of California.
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