Sentences with phrase «girls do things on»

Just like I suspect they will be later in life, these girls do things on their own schedule and under their terms.

Not exact matches

So, you'll have to learn to turn a deaf ear to the complaints about how the new guy or girl doesn't «get it»; doesn't know every single thing on day one; isn't fitting into the system or the culture, etc..
What's more, there was a contagion effect — not only did those divulging find themselves leaving discussions worse off, but their partners were also adversely effected,» says Quartz of studies focused on adolescent girls (though apparently the same thing has been observed in other contexts, too).
Clarke, meanwhile, argued that Tsarnaev «spent most of his time on the Internet doing things that teenagers do» - involving Facebook, cars, and girls.
«To all of you that have something nasty to say about me or other women who are built like me, women whose names you know, women whose names you don't, women who've been picked on, women whose husbands put them down, women at work or girls in school, I have one thing to say to you: kiss my fat ass,» she said.
On the other hand, 69 percent of millennials say it's a good thing for parents to encourage young boys to play with toys and pursue activities normally associated with girls, while older generations don't support such a move as much.
In my childhood... while not raised as a girl... I had some horrible, disturbing things happen and I promise... I could go toe to toe with you on that... but my, God, I don't want to re-hash that here.
Second: don't focus on the «bikini girl» thing.
Accordingly, I experienced the larger social order as squeezing something out of me, pressing something in on me and eventually depressing into me feelings of shame about wanting to do things and be things that «weren't for girls
Look — We're all done with keeping up with the Kardashians or whatever flash of skin is being flaunted on red carpets — when there are little girls being devoured on bare concrete floors and we will keep company with Jesus and be the ones who do something about the things that breaks His heart.
But if a group of college girls did the same thing, there would be a vocal response of moral indignation and decisive action on the part of the dean.
-- Deuteronomy 22:20 «If a man is found lying with a married woman, then both of them shall die» — Deuteronomy 22:23 - 24 «If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death» — Exodus 21:17 «Anyone who says cruel things to his father or mother must be put to death» — Exodus 31:15 - 17 «Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.»
The most respectful thing to do to a girl athlete is go for it and let it her win or lose on her merit alone.
«Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men, and that is just what they did except there were so many of them that there was a fair amount of crowding and jockeying for position, with the result that one particular angel, a girl about nine years old who was smaller than most of them, ended up so far out on the fringes of things that not even by craning her neck and standing on tiptoe could she see what was going on.
Teachers can be encouraged to become aware of the ways they gear their activities and materials to girls and boys on the basis of sex, like letting the boys do the active things and the girls the quiet ones or grouping the girls in the doll corner and the boys in the construction corner.
Everyone wins on this day — I am a happy girl cooking and doing my thing and the frozen snowboarders are happy when they come home to a hot meal at the end of the long day.
That's right, we're almost on the last month of the countdown until the kiddos are out of school for Summer over there and I am busy planning fun things for my girl and me to do.
The only weird thing is that the building next door is really close, and so I can see and hear everything people are doing over there — phones ringing, showers turning on and off, conversations, music... And last night, I was catching up on New Girl on Hulu when I looked out the window and realized I was looking straight into someone's shower (while she was in it).
Arsenal Girl you are SPOT ON and many of US know all the things DONE by Wenger But Time for Change.
Picturing our sons playing in the NBA comes naturally, but girls, well, they do «girl things» and then go off on their own path.
My girls are on a kick where they prefer a few containers over a bento box, so they don't mind opening a few different things.
I did not realize that I would get to do both of these things on this trip and really, Laurel and Violet were the motivators to get me up the wall and on the ninja course so GREAT JOB GIRLS!
The only thing I did on this list was pack my bag and my baby's bag at about 23 weeks (right after we found out it was a girl).
I don't know but I kind of would expect her to be a little bit more understanding that she is but I feel like imp in the education role now with them like, they are seeing it more now with me and I think its breaking down some barriers at least with my own family to know that, ok you really can do that and then you know my girls are older they are not always on my breasts, you know it's just they fall down they hurt themselves they want to nurse like it's definitely a comfort thing but man like I could be really sad when they eat to give it up because I just love it, I just love it and I us kind of role with you know whatever they want to do.
My boys, so my first two were boys, so my first son was about six months and same thing really for my second son and I was really personally disappointed by that, that wasn't my plan, my plan was to breastfeed them a lot longer than that and just other things just kind of got in the way and education and everything that probably could get in the way and with my girls I just kind of was like and I think what helped me too was knowing that the twins were my last plan pregnancy, like after that like, if I get pregnant you know «Surprise» but we are not planning have any more kids and I think knowing going into to it that I wasn't able to do what I wanted to do with my first two, really, really motivated me and knowing that these are my last babies that I'm planning to have so if I, it's now or never so it's kind of like putting a little bit of pressure on me I guess on that regard.
Kids always seem to want to play with the metal parts of things, like latches on doors and other things, so my husband had the idea to build something for our girls to fiddle with endlessly that didn't have any sharp edges or small removable parts, but which wasn't just another piece of primary colored plastic either.
This year her birthday fell on a school day, followed by Girl Scouts which meant she was doing her own thing all day and even forwent the annual tradition of the Walk Around Sun at school — a Montessori thing stories and photos are shared by the parents which the child walks around the sun one year for each year they have been on the planet.
Books, they do work on getting my girls excited about trying new things.
I feel like everyone (especially people without kids) are judging us like we are doing something wrong, and people say things to her too about not being a big girl because only big girls go on the potty.
I am also a bit worried that if I leave her and she were to actually do something, she might get up and make a total mess:-O She's a very independent and aware little girl who loves to try and to (impossible) things on her own, and it's super frustrating to have ended up here, after having been so successful with EC light beforehand..
«We'll film what my girls and I have done that week and I'll also film videos to give tips to other parents on things such as potty training.
He did nt mention anything about lots of them looking exactly the same, he had a really good play with a couple of twin girls and loved all the double buggies, he is a fan of twin club now Fridays scan was a proper, long scan to check the growth of both girls, the scans are getting more and more uncomfortable now as its so difficult to lie on my back, but my consultant is just such an excellent sonographer (compared to all others who had a go at scanning before) that the whole thing is ok, painless and swift, even though not rushed!
My first son was over 9 pounds and then my second son was about 7.5, he was pretty average, but I remember with the girls, we have the jaundice thing kind of going on with the girls too and some other issues that we're working through and I remember because we were dealing with the last weight with them that like every ounce really counted like I remember being more concerned about that because they did weigh as much, right?
Although I didn't do the VBAC, thing I did have one of each, and I agree, natural is hands down better and on top of that I felt I actually did something to earn my precious baby, C - section is not something I'd recommend to anyone and it took me a long time to get over the disappointment and knowing that I would never experience the joy of childbirth again, anyway, I digress, the pics are gorgeous and I can't wait to see them used in some layouts, I hope the girls are enjoying their new baby brother and I have no doubt he will be brought up with three mothers!
Lauren Warner, Founder and Editor [See all «From the Editor» posts] Beth Berry, Revolution from Home [«The Perfection Trap»] Amber Dusick, Crappy Pictures [«Making Time for Free Time»] Heather Flett, Rookie Moms [«Choose the One Thing»] Elke Govertsen, Mamalode magazine [«We Need Each Other»] Meagan Francis, The Happiest Mom [«Write Your Own Story»] Nici Holt Cline, Dig this Chick [«Dead Ends Don't Exist»] Devon Corneal, The Huffington Post [«You Are Stronger than You Think»] Melanie Blodgett, You are My Fave [«The Truth About Making Friends»] Allison Slater Tate, [«Enjoy the Ride»] Katie Stratton, Katie's Pencil Box [«We Are What We Eat»] Lisa - Jo Baker, Tales From a Gypsy Mama [«Mom Sets the Mood»] Shannan Martin, Flower Patch Farm Girl [«Find Your Delicious»] Tracy Morrison, Sellabit Mum [«Real Life Goes On Here»] Amy Lupold Bair, Resourceful Mommy [«Choose Happy»] KJ Dell» Antonia, New York Times Motherlode [«Do What You're Doing»] Anna Luther, My Life and Kids [«Fake Farts Make All the Difference»] Bridget Hunt, It's a Hunt Life [«Our Own Worst Enemies»] Judy Gruen, Mirth and Meaning [«Don't Forget Your Vitamin L»] Shannon Schreiber, The Scribble Pad [«When Mom is Afraid»] Rivka Caroline, Frazzled to Focused [«From Frazzled to Focused»] Pilar Guzman, Editor - in - Chief of Martha Stewart Living [«The Hard Work of Being Good»] Molly Balint, Mommy Coddle [«I Want to Be a «Yes»»] Melanie Shankle, The Big Mama Blog [«Not Enough Time (Or Toilet Paper)»] Lindsay Boever, My Child I Love You [«They Will Love What You Love»] Mary Ostyn, Owlhaven [«A Family That Plays Together»] Lindsey Mead, A Design So Vast [«Feeling Hurt?
i have an 11 week old girl and am having napping issues - for approx. 6 weeks now she falls asleep fine but always wakes up early, very very rarely making it through 1 hr uninterrupted... i've read through a lot of the posts and tried various things such as cutting back on waketime, increasing waketime, cio, etc. but nothing has worked... when she does wake early i try and get her back down but it does get frustrating at times... her nighttime sleep is pretty random as well - she's anywhere from 5 - 7rs, sometimes 8 - 8.5 hrs, once 9.5 hrs, then all of a sudden she went back down to 4 - 4.5 hrs... is this normal?
If she looks lonely, I go on over to talk to her, and encourage her, and let her know that she is doing a wonderful thing, not only for her baby but for all the women and girls around her!
AND to the mothers with daughters please moms be a mother before you try to be your childs friend, yes little girls need and want that one friend that can can count on to always be there for them which mom you will but they also NEED THEIR MOTHERS MORE THAN ANYTHING; ladies remember that IF THATS THE only thing you do... and stay focus
I have done it all lol, breastfed my baby girl standing up against a empty register at Toys r us, changing my year old on - top of the packaging table in the same store (it amazes me they have no place for doing those things!)
One of my favorite things to do is get on the floor and play with my girls.
My girls LOVE painting things, but since they are 3 and 5 years old, a whole lot of paint ends up on the table if you don't protect it!
Two days after Katie Couric swept through Buffalo last week, touting the city's revitalization and posing with Shark Girl, and in the same week that CNN listed Buffalo in its «16 intriguing things to see and do in the U.S. in 2016,» some less - flattering news coverage about the City of Good Neighbors appeared on the website of The Guardian.
When she was young, she was doing the same things all the other girls in 1970s suburban Minneapolis were doing: straightening their hair, tanning on their roofs or trying to marry their high school prom date.
«Girls have friends over or play with dolls, whereas boys are directed to build things they can do on their own.
And one other thing on farming I want to mention because it's important to us and is another theme at the Gates Foundation, and Melinda Gates has been a huge champion of the role of women and making sure that we include the lens of women and girls in everything we do at the Foundation.
«I've definitely faced people who have said things to me like, «little girls don't belong on this mountain» or people who have told me that I should check out an easier area that's more my speed,» she says.
One thing you don't mention is (ahem) «girl style» pushups on your knees.
Discomforts can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days and the last thing a girl wants to do during that time is put on tennis shoes and head to the gym.
Discomforts can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days for some women, and the last thing a girl wants to do during that time is put on tennis shoes and head to the gym.
I can't remember how I found your website but being thrown into the Girls Gone Strong world and realizing that I'm not crazy for wanting to focus on what my body can do and on doing the things that make me healthy (truly healthy — not just the cover model image of healthy that people assume is ideal).
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