Sentences with phrase «give dwarf hamsters»

Although the tubes give dwarf hamsters roaming space they are hard to clean.
You also do not want to give your dwarf hamster food that's high in sugar (most fruit).
It's a good idea to give your dwarf hamster a hamster mix that has a wide variety of food in it or specially formulated food for hamsters such as the Oxbow Healthy Handfuls Hamster and Gerbils Complete Stabilized Food.

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Avoid giving apples, bananas, corn and carrots to dwarf hamsters.
Important note: Russian Dwarf Hamsters are prone to diabetes and because fruits are high in sugars, it's better to give them vegetables.
I've given my roborovski dwarf hamster both banana and lettuce and she really enjoyed them.
Or can you save money on a cheap dwarf hamster cage and give your hamster the life it deserves...
This gives it the longest expected life of any of the dwarf hamster species.
Up until recently, I have avoided giving fruit to my winter white dwarf hamsters because of this.
A Russian Dwarf Hamster is the name given to Hybrid hamsters at the pet stores.
In memory of Daisy, a winter white Russian dwarf hamster we adopted from Texas Rustlers (she was named Jessie at the shelter, but we gave her a new name after a pretty flower), who passed away after a 3 - year - long life, two exciting years of which were with us and in her hamster palace of toys and tunnels.
Give your Russian dwarf hamsters plenty of space to run around and escape from any bullying.
I just got a Russian dwarf hamster for Christmas and want to know what treats that I'm supposed to give him.
For Winter Whites, Campbell's and Chinese dwarf hamsters, most experienced owners recommend not to give them carrots because these hamsters are more prone to diabetes and carrot is one of the foods that are higher in sugar.
Giving your pet the right food is an important part of dwarf hamster care.
HI im getting a hammy soon and my friend who has a hammy gives her Syrian hamster peanut butter but since im getting a Russian dwarf hamster I don't know if that's good for them
Hi i have a Chinese dwarf hamster he keeps biting which im used to know but i have noticed he cant climb his small ladder or grip the wheel properly and when i give him treats his nails so like multiple pin pricks on my hand.
The food listed in the post above can all be given to your Chinese dwarf hamsters but remember that whatever you give them should be in small amount and on top of their hamster mix, not as a replacement for it.
Chinese dwarf hamsters are not allowed in most states, I'm not sure why but that's my aunt told me when she gave me mine.
After caring for Russians, Chinese and roborovski dwarf hamsters for over 10 years you begin to realize how to save money on future cages, what dwarf hamsters love and how to give them a good life.
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