Sentences with phrase «give expression»

Using the correct language and vocabulary can give expression to your value.
It is generally not practical to call up those who were listening to my inarticulate ramblings, and give them the expression I have found (although I am not above trying).
It believes that the law of wills can do more to protect the vulnerable and to give expression to people's testamentary wishes.
Mitman's rough handling of the truck was intended to embody this sense of urgency, to give it expression as safely as possible.
In this work, an underlying structure is present, across which dynamic, free flowing forms give expression to the creative subconscious.
The works, dating from the 1900s to the 1940s, reveal how these leading American modernists each developed their own personal abstract language to give expression to their physical and spiritual response to nature.
In Found, a modern subject with a moral, he made his most serious effort to give expression to the Pre-Raphaelite aims, but this picture, though he worked on it at intervals throughout his life, was never finished.
Willhelm and Kraus's unconventional fashion is characterized by an outspoken visual language in which they give expression to the grotesque, the childish and the fantastic, which they transform and combine in an unparalleled way with elements from pop culture and haute couture.
The installation presents the work of artists that continue to explore and give expression to the ideas death, decay, dispossession and a sense of trauma (the wound) as suggested in Beuys» original work.
I am always wary of people who's egos are boosted because of their creative talent as generally the reverse should be true and we stand in humble awe before the creativity we have managed to give expression to.
Eichenberg has been leading the Metals Department at CAA into new directions, turning it into a research lab where students learn to give expression to their ideas through the rigorous exploration of a wide range of materials and techniques.
It's you who now give expression to my thoughts, to draw from them whatever vital experience you want.»
This labor - intensive technique results in ethereal paintings that give expression to aspects of nature hidden from or invisible to the unaided eye.
These can give them an expression full of character and emotion.
Scott Tobias gives the film the same «B +» grade as his colleague, but acknowledges that he thinks it's Malick's worst film, even though he found it affecting in its attempt to «give expression to the ineffable and show us something beautiful, reminding us that we live in a world that's larger than ourselves and crafted by that invisible hand.»
Give expression to your feelings communicating and flirting with single men and single women in Puerto Rico on the universal dating site where you can flirt, send mails, invite Puerto Rico people to chat online.
They have well - tendered clear skin and blue eyes that give an expression of angelic innocence.
Give expression to your feelings communicating and connecting with single people from Rafaela!
All such policy shall conform with and give expression to the general principles and objectives of the Party as set out in its manifesto.
Fitzjames Stephen, the great English judge and historian of the criminal law, declared it «highly desirable» to design punishments «to give expression to that hatred».
Often, the genes of the new are present in the body of the old — they are the ideas, the social movements, the fair food networks that start life on the innovative edge, the social fringe, and move towards the middle where they give expression to the new systems that grows out of the old.
The transforming power of Pentecostalism resides not in the coherence of its doctrine, but in its flexibility and its capacity to give expression to new social practices in the defining moments of a society in transition.
But to comprehend this entity of Israel as she is, and to give expression to her meaningful existence, he must articulate all in her past that he deems relevant to the present, and indeed (he does this, of course, in rare, almost involuntary bursts) he must also speak of that to which the present meaning of Israel ultimately points (so, again, Gen. 12:3).
But hopeless and wistful though he knows his thought must be, he nevertheless must give expression to it.
What he did was give expression to a postulate so simple that no one had ever thought of actually stating it.
Persons who in their moral integrity pursues truth may come to accept one religion or another or may reject all religions and acknowledge the truth of atheism; and they should be free to propagate and give expression to the truth as they differently see it.
He concluded that it did, that the true purpose of myth here was to give expression to human self - understanding.
The present intention of the story is to give expression to what J and all true Yahwists in Israel deemed to be the essence of the relationship, not as in Genesis I between God and all creation, but pointedly and existentially, between Yahweh and man.
The prophets after the Exile are of a lesser breed, and most of the authors of the period are anonymous members of the community who give expression to a wide range of religious experience as it comes to individuals living within the framework of a religious society.
Earlier and later works illuminate each other because they give expression, under various deliberate limitations of scope or of point of view, to the same basic scheme of thought.
The first to give expression to this enigma was the French humanist Montaigne (1533 - 92), though he himself chose to remain a practicing Catholic.
The appeal of New Age and human - potential therapies is that they give expression to the personal and mystical and do so — as Catherine Albanese points out — by «reprimitivizing» religion.
They had found «fewer exciting models... in the Jewish community, little opportunity to give expression to our youthful ideals....
I can only give expression to my own intuition that this possible emergence of a new consciousness should be given shape by a utopian vision of a planetary brotherhood at peace with nature and with God, united with all of life in the enjoyment of its potentialities.
I have in these pages tried to give expression to my own dawning yearning, but I do so with modesty and in humility.
The «fusion» of the transcendence and immanence of God in Jesus led to the belief that they were experiencing something new «and they ransacked received concepts to try to give expression to this discontinuity... eventually designating it inter alia as «incarnation»» (ibid).
These questions are not without significance, touching on the person of Christ and the nature of faith, and the answers will only come from an engaged discussion of the authority of Scripture, the historical witness of the church, and the clarity with which the councils, creeds, and confessions give expression to the teaching of the Bible.
They give expression to a very contemporary and vibrant faith that is both simpler and much more complex than the complexifications cherished by those who know only that we live in a secular society.
Such freedom to hold to ones own beliefs, to give expression to them in characteristic forms, and to tell others about them ought to be the privilege of all human beings.
To give expression to and thus to strengthen the fellowship that is already ours, we can and should, despite our different ecclesial allegiances, do many things together.
These words give expression to that heavenly mystery... that the eternal God has humbly bent down and lifted the dust of our nature into unity with his own person.»
This was the time when CWM, as a partnership of churches in mission, was born to give expression to a new missionary arrangement for a new era in mission.
And yet we find ourselves in the strongest agreement with the German scholar, Professor von Rad, whom we have cited before, in his own expressed feeling that after all, legend is not an adequate term, so long as it is commonly understood simply as a mixture of history and unrestrained popular imagination (one part history, nine parts imagination — our comment, not his) We much better understand legend as a combination of history and meditation, and as motivated primarily by a concern to give expression to the meaning of history, as that meaning is conveyed by the faith that God makes himself known therein.12
One young Jesuit describes in detail how grateful he is to his superiors for helping him to understand, affirm, and give expression to his sexual needs.
The Old Testament was created to give expression to a people's self - understanding, to convey the meaning of their existence.
Self - schooled in the history of European nationalism — especially as championed by Giuseppe Mazzini in Italy — Savarkar sought to give expression to a broad cultural ideology that could challenge the British Raj, counter Western influence more generally, and provide intellectual defenses against Muslim beliefs and the allegedly culture - destroying work of Christian missionaries.
Either of these alternatives would leave us in the impossible position of abandoning or contradicting the foundations of the argument to which it is supposed to give expression.
Your writings / cartoons / paintings have over and over given expression to many things going on deep inside of me.
Where are the professors... who will stand up and declare that the presumption of innocence rightly gives expression to both the belief in the dignity of the individual and the awareness of human fallibility?»
In solidarity with the suffering, Jesus gave expression to his hope in the liberating God who has his preference in defending the poor and the dispossessed.
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