Sentences with phrase «give me a kiss»

Give Kiss My Face or Cremo a try.
I give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him to have fun.
He gives her a kiss on the cheek and says, «I'll see you next week!
He has been the sweetest boy though — whenever I am crying, he crawls into my lap and gives me kisses.
When I do, I usually just make sure he doesn't have a cold before I give him a kiss.
Around 6:30 am Marloe wakes up and we like to cuddle in bed together as a family (she's really into giving kisses at the moment).
I smiled back at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
I decided to add apple to this salad to give it a kiss of sweetness and added crunch, and I add a little honey to the olive oil and lemon making it a slightly sweet dressing to toss the ingredients in.
Then they cuddle up and give you a kiss, and you think you'll die from being so full of love for their little sticky - fingered selves.
She chats with her girlfriends and mother, but she pulls away from me if I try to give her a kiss when I come home in the evening, or to give her a kiss at night.
Eventually, you should be able to go in and just give her a kiss and she should go back down.
At our house, the older siblings like to adjust the swing speed or give kisses while baby is swinging.
As you read, you can give your baby kisses to go along with the story, and older toddlers can enjoy giving kisses and participating, too.
I love how my 5 month old gives me kisses when i get her up froom nap.
I was laying on the floor and my 10 month old DD came up and bent over and gave me a kiss for the 1st time.
She brushed the hair out of my eyes and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
Do you want to give me a kiss and a hug, or wave goodbye from the door?»
You should be able to reach your baby's head effortlessly to give them a kiss if they are in the proper position.
Now he is happy to say goodbye to me and give me a kiss.
Once the story is done, give kisses and hugs turn off the lights and leave.
We brushed teeth, read books, and gave kisses gooodnight.
Sometimes I wonder WHY in the world I wanted to do this... then she comes over to me and gives me a kiss, or wants to snuggle, or we just sit and play on the floor and laugh and laugh.
And he wrapped his little arms around me, gave me a kiss on the lips and went to sleep.
In a firm and loving tone, lay him back down on his back, give him a kiss and tell him it's nap time.
And Mark hugging me and giving me a kiss on the back of my neck.
Comfort him, give him a kiss and a quick cuddle, and let him know that you're leaving because it's time for him to sleep.
Otherwise, she refers to Hannah as «mine» and will randomly interrupt her playtime to come give her a kiss or pat her hand.
Praise any action the child does, even if it is just bringing it to her mouth or giving it a kiss.
she gives kisses when ask and kiss caracters in books.
Is what Maddie Grace says now when she wants Tripp to sit in her lap, and she loves to help feed him and give him kisses.
Charlotte was especially taken with hers and kept going back to give her kisses.
And he looked so big, so happy, & he was giving me kisses.
She likes to raise my shirt in the morning and rub my belly and say BABY, she gave it a kiss this morning.
Hug her tight and give her a kiss!!
This may sound cruel, and believe me, I would've loved to give him the kisses and hugs myself, BUT, the goal here is to give him the tools and ability to sooth himself and go back to sleep.
Can you give her a kiss or a pat - pat, too?»
Or we'll play with the baby doll and I'll open my mouth and dramatically look as if I'm going to bite her, then stop and say «I don't want to hurt her, I'll give her a kiss or a pat - pat instead.
Our three - year - old is trying to talk up a storm and we read devotionals and give kisses to our teen rugby player.
Your ritual can include any or all of the following: giving your baby a bath, getting her changed for bed, reading a bedtime story or two, singing a lullaby, and giving her a kiss goodnight.
Most of the time when my son would wake he just wanted us to give him a kiss and a hug so the bear actually worked great.
Unlatch her, burp her, give her a kiss, and put her to bed.
Between 7 - 8 pm we put on PJ's, brush teeth, read books, then straight to bed for our son with my husband to sing him a little son & give him a kiss goodnight.
My method was to sing him a bed time song, put him in his sleeping bag, give him a kiss and leave the room.
Laying him down (after all that other stuff Whitney explained) and «petting» his head explaining exactly how he was feeling «sleepy» and what was going to happen next «you're going to go to sleep,» «you're going to cuddle your puppy,» «you're going be soooo cozy,» «mommy will come and get you when you wake - up, but right now, you are soooo sleepy,» «ooooh sleepy boy, cuddly boy» «so cozy» «mommy's going to give you your kiss and go, sleep tight»
Then diaper her, dress her, and give her a kiss on her sweet - smelling head.
It's amazing to watch her nurture a baby doll, pat his back, babble to him when she puts him down and give him kisses.
You give a kiss, hug and wave good - bye as you walk out the door.
You can roll your little bundle from room to room without having to worry about pets giving any kisses.
When you drop your toddler off, give them a kiss goodbye, assure them you will be back soon and leave.
And then there is a moment where they both come up to you and give you kisses and suddenly your day is all better.
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