Sentences with phrase «give plain writing»

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He did not know whether any allowance was made for the age of the accused nor «whether pardon is given to those who repent» nor «whether punishment attaches to the mere name apart from secret crimes, or to the secret crimes connected with the name».3 In reply, Trajan wrote that Christians «are not to be sought out, but if they are accused and convicted, they must be punished — yet on this condition, that whoso denies himself to be a Christian, and makes the fact plain by his action, that is by worshipping our gods, shall obtain pardon on his repentance, however suspicious his past conduct may be».4 The Emperor Hadrian (76 - 138; ruled 117 - 138) made clear that slanderous accusations against Christians were unacceptable and that it had to be proved that they had acted contrary to the laws.
(Can't give you the details as I'm writing a memoir and don't wish to give the good bits away in case it gets published) Even though I have doubted all the other stuff along the years — promises etc that didn't come to pass, despite my diligent prayer and obedience, I still cry out to «something out there» because I am spirit in a human body, and know that I am on a journey that has to mean more than simply this earthly plain.
In the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi iii, 40) it is asserted that «many plain and precious parts» have been removed from the Bible; and again in a revelation of Joseph Smith given June, 1830, God, speaking to Moses, declares, «I will speak unto you concerning this earth upon which thou standest and thou shalt write the things which I shall speak and in a day when the children of men shall esteem my words as naught and take many of them from the book which thou shalt write, behold I will raise up another like unto thee, and they shall be had again among the children of men, among even as many as shall believe.
«Given the toxic mix of immature bravado, anti-establishment machismo and plain juvenile silliness found in the cases, it is often difficult to separate potentially dangerous student cyberspeech from that which is merely stupid,» he writes.
So Mr. Coleman is just plain wrong when he says no one gives a [expletive] about narrative writing.
I cut out the plain color pizza templates and give one to each student and have them write their names in the box.
The standards, which will be written in plain English, will be accompanied by useful guidance and examples of menus that have been given the thumbs up by cooks, caterers and of course pupils!
In plain English, this means you need to make it clear — ideally in writing — you're buying for someone else by stating their name or giving a particular description, such as them being a family member, eg, writing «this is a gift for Martin Lewis» on the receipt at the time of purchase.
As Harold Urey, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934, wrote: «Because we [scientists] told disagreeable truths, we have even been accused of wishing to give up our progress because we are impractical dreamers or plain traitors.»
In Legal Writing in Plain English, Bryan Garner gives a useful — albeit abstract — definition:
For what it's worth, given the expanding plain - English movement in legal writing I'll be surprised if 20 years from now most judges and lawyers don't occasionally use contractions in opinions and briefs.
David Mellinkoff, the plain language guru, did not mention the term even once in the book — Legal Writing: Sense and Nonsense — someone happened to give me shortly after my sojourn began.
If you want a plain resume and you can write your own content, the tool will give you the format.
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