Sentences with phrase «give tangible»

Lees agrees: «Give tangible, concrete examples.
This will give you tangible examples of things you can add to your list as you go.
Sure, it might not be exactly the same, but those experiences give you tangible skills and resources that will apply to your internship.
Numbers draw the eye of the recruiter and details give them a tangible sense of what it looks like when you use a skill.
This is a company that wants control mechanisms so it can give tangible control to their corporate customers.
The photo above is just to give you a tangible view of what we're doing when we back up the NAND.
Let me give you a tangible example.
Incorporate these exports — or the most relevant pieces of the puzzle, depending on how much detail your client prefers — into your regular status updates to give them a tangible look at your evolving strategy and the evidence that supports it.
Photographic subjects of the figure, objects and landscape are combined with minimally rendered drawings, where luminous dots, circles, arcs, arrows and waves give tangible form to imagined flows and concentrations of Qi.
Above all perhaps their pictures give the tangible sense that Turner and Monet would have agreed with Twombly's definition of the painter's motivation being all about «the forming of the image; the compulsive action of becoming».
In keeping with Day of Infamy's focus on skill, all of these unlocks are purely aesthetic and don't give you tangible gameplay bonuses.
Bioware announced the addition of a co-op mode to Mass Effect 3 that will take place outside the main story, but give tangible benefits to a player's campaign.
You can eventually keep track of your trades in a spreadsheet, but you may want to get a 3 - ring binder to print the charts of trades you take while learning, this will give you a tangible trading record that you can use to learn from.
This exercise will give you a tangible and realistic look at how much you can put toward your student loan debt each month — and maybe stop you from ordering that Chinese take - out in lieu of an extra $ 20 on your loan payment.
While this is a nice idea that allows consumers to give a tangible gift of an ebook, this could very well be the salvation of the brick - and - mortar bookstores.
It features a package of technologies which have been used intelligently to give tangible benefits.
We have spent many years developing products, like home contents, vehicle, buildings, and portable possessions insurance that will not only cover you against the financial risk of loss, theft, or damage, but will also give you tangible benefits, like road assist and home assist.
Writing Love Letters To Your Wife - How To Get Started Writing love letters to your wife is a great way to give her a tangible expression of your love.
«The situation was getting tensed so they called in the Tamale police who then arrested five others who had come there and couldn't give any tangible reasons why they were there,» the police officer said.
«We shall also continue to portray ourselves as friends of the people and societies in such a way that everyone would be confident and freed to give any tangible security information that will aid our activities.
Sometime it helps to give a tangible time for return, such as I will see you after story, or playtime, etc..
What a trophy does is give tangible belief to what Wenger has been saying all along.
Training, developing and motivating the future, remote auditor to deploy these tools give us a tangible, sustainable future audit option.
«These nights drive a lot of traffic in, as well as give us a tangible way to give back to the people in our communities.»
Fourthly, I would not spend my time hiding, refusing to give any tangible evidence of my existence, and then punish those who are smart enough to draw the natural conclusion that I do not exist by burning them forever.
Can he go further and ask what actually happened to give rise, or to give tangible form, to such a belief?
These ideas are echoed in the «prosperity gospel» — characterized by the belief that God wants to bless His people, that He wants to give us tangible rewards such as riches and success and that we claim these rewards by exercising our faith in obedience.
We still rate the Utilities sector as Unattractive, and only three Utilities stocks earn our Attractive - or - better rating, but the new tax law does give a tangible benefit to the sector that the market doesn't seem to be factoring in to its valuation.
«All of these Canadian companies offer goods and services that offer real value for money, giving them tangible GCAs,» says Danielle Goldfarb.
Just Peacemaking by Dr Glen Stassen is the best I've read that presents and gives the tangibles of a third way conflict engagement outside of Pacifism and Just War.
The Crawford Conference was the first program I have been to that gave us a tangible network we could access to be involved in international agriculture, and steps we could take as students to move toward that career path.
Watsu ® can be a particularly powerful experience for expecting fathers / partners as well, as it gives them a tangible way to relate to and connect with their partner and growing child.
She gives tangible advice that parents can do right now to work on how to find love to replace fear, i.e. creating a list of appreciation for yourself.
It's been well - documented in cases where people are given tangible rewards each time they perform a particular behavior (e.g., giving your child some money each time he eats broccoli).
Rather than giving a tangible item to a premature baby as gift, you can also be a little creative and gift a service.
Instead of giving a tangible gift, get a new mom housekeeper service to clean and tidy - up her home around the holidays.
The leader of the party had delivered a powerful speech that reassured party faithful nerves and gave them tangible policies to sell on the doorstep.
Cottrell added that the roundtable format helped residents share their experiences, but gave them no tangible information.
Tracking food intake provides constraints and gives you a tangible baseline to work from.
The course gave me tangible tools to use immediately, in a format, that allowed me to choose how to approach each situation and client differently without the feeling that I have to practice yoga to help people in pain.
Another unwise choice could be giving a tangible, material gift that looks good wrapped beneath the tree, when experiential purchases — such as theater tickets, vacations, or a massage — have actually been shown to bring people more happiness.
This sense of rupture and loss in Fay's adolescent experience is given tangible (if blurry, edge - of - the - screen) form in an alter ego that the young woman is convinced is stalking her and trying to take her place — not unlike her jealous understudy Monica (Charlotte Vega).
Before long, you can also craft your own structures and workstations, giving you a tangible foothold in the game's massive and dangerous world.
Awarding a learner a certificate when they successfully complete a course gives them a tangible reward that can be used to promote your courses.
Click the buttons below for data that gives tangible proof of Math & Movement's enormous positive impact on learning at all grade levels!
For instance, to entice prospective parents, school voucher advocates often employ rhetoric about students being «trapped in public schools» without giving tangible evidence that the private schools the voucher gives them access to are any better.
If you are unable to bring an animal into your household as an adopted or fostered pet at this time, volunteering gives you a tangible way to still help those animals find their path from a shelter to a home.
And let's remember that to get to Platinum / Sapphire, which is the first elite level that gives you some tangible benefits, you must spend $ 6,000 a year (in addition to flying enough miles) to satisfy the American Airlines elite earning requirements.
In Black Ops, you're given a tangible protagonist to work with — Alex Mason, a SOG Operative.
Sure, the game always provides enough work to keep your avatar and its Keflings busy, and gives you a tangible reason to get that work done - there is always a reward for the effort you make — but unfortunately, that's where it starts to fall apart.
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