Sentences with phrase «give yourself a material advantage»

You don't pray to give yourself a material advantage.

Not exact matches

If your material situation gives you more resources than being surrounded by armed fighting and lacking an internet connection, you have advantages over him.
The trend toward vertical integration — control from the raw material to the shop shelf — gives luxury brands a competitive advantage, raises barriers to entry and helps them defend the high - quality image they want associated with their products.
The shape and materials of the mesh give it this advantage.
One key advantage of this material is that the researchers can give it a temporary positive charge, which allows it to form close associations with RNA, which is negatively charged.
While selenium is not as abundant as silicon or other promising materials for electronics, the thinness of these sheets is a big advantage, Churchill points out: «It's thousands or tens of thousands of times thinner» than conventional diode materials, «so you'd use thousands of times less material» to make devices of a given size.
Therefore, Siqueira and his colleagues developed a second, polymer - based recipe that had a decisive advantage: after printing and hardening using UV radiation, the CNC «cross-linked» with polymer building blocks, which gave the composite material a significantly higher degree of mechanical rigidity.
It's odd that Poehler — who was given such rich material as a government official on Parks and Recreation — appears in a film that doesn't take advantage of the absurdities of these local public officials.
Though billed as a documentary, this 59 - minute doodle barely rises above homemovie status, featuring more material of Corfixen's two daughters dancing naked around hotel rooms than it does actual on - set footage — though ambient music from «Drive» composer Cliff Martinez gives her a distinct advantage over most amateur videographers.
As usual, the dialogue is laced with lots of sui generis terms like the aforementioned «Horcruxes» which give an advantage to audience members familiar with the source material's peculiar lexicon.
He must ask Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to launch a major campaign (as part of the I - 3 initiative, perhaps) to give schools incentives to take advantage of new technologies that are rapidly coming on line — broadband, powerful computers, 3 - dimensional presentation of material (ala Avatar), and open - source curricular development (ala Wikipedia).
Employees today have access to high - quality job training materials that give them an advantage that couldn't have been imagined a generation ago.
5 Most men, despite lip - service to equality, are reluctant to give up this «natural» order of things in which their advantages are so great; for women, the case is further complicated by the fact that, as Mill astutely pointed out, unlike other oppressed groups or castes, men demand of her not only submission but unqualified affection as well; thus women are often weakened by the internalized demands of the male - dominated society itself, as well as by a plethora of material goods and comforts: the middle - class woman has a great deal more to lose than her chains.
The one by Goddard had no place at that hearing but I suppose politically it would have been impossible to contradict Cruz unless you did the same of warmist material and unless you knew in advance what was going to be highlighted by way of a chart I guess no side wanted to give the other an advantage by admitting the science was dubious.
Investing in our nation's infrastructure will not only allow the oil and natural gas industry to keep pace with energy demand, it will also help keep energy affordable for the consumer, while creating wellpaying jobs, giving U.S. manufacturers a competitive advantage through lower energy and raw material costs and providing revenue to local, state and federal governments.
These include keeping certain topics, such as commentary on the firm's on - going matters, off - limits and avoiding material that would give opponents too much of an advantage.
An advantage to being a career agent is the amount of support provided as well as company training and promotional materials given to the career agent.
Taking advantage of the Course and Record combo gives you access to all the online course materials, an audio read - along feature, and a copy of your driving record for the court upon completion.
Our high - quality practice materials are sure to give you an advantage over the other candidates.
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