Sentences with phrase «given common core implementation»

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This year was an especially busy one, given the fights over the implementation of the Common Core standards, as well as eventual alterations to how they impact students and later the state teacher evaluation law.
The report includes testimony given during five public hearings Mr. Flanagan has held in recent months that sought public feedback on the state's implementation of Common Core.
Cuomo's Common Core Overhaul: A task force created by Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a report Thursday which found that the state made a number of mistakes in its implementation of Common Core learning standards and recommended reducing the tendency to «teach to a test,» giving shorter tests, and not linking test results to teacher evaluations until the 2018 - 2019 school year.
Redesigning and Expanding School Time to Support Common Core Implementation looks at how high - performing expanded - time schools give teachers more time for ongoing professional development and collaboration needed to implement the Common Core standards.
As we've written before, implementation of the Common Core is on hold in Indiana after state lawmakers approved a «pause» proposal to give Hoosiers time to review the standards.
«Given significant variation in Common Core implementation across states, I don't think the overall trend in NAEP math scores can be associated with Common Core,» he wrote in an email.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has spent more than $ 170 million to develop and promote the Common Core, has given the union millions to support the implementation of the standards.
Presenter Margaret Millar from the Council of Chief State School Officers updated attendees on the progress states have made in transitioning to the standards, discussed key implementation topics and supports, and gave the latest updates on the Common Core assessment consortia's work.
For this reason, as the Common Core, and its fewer, higher, clearer standards, moves forward into implementation, states must give adequate attention to their accountability policies and the potential consequences of these policies on those students most at - risk of dropping out.
A group of New York City teachers associated with the teacher - advocacy organization Educators 4 Excellence released a report this week laying out ideas for smoothing the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in their state, including giving teachers the option — supported by added compensation — of returning to school a week early at the end of the summer for specialized professional development.
The emphasis on more time for teachers and students is especially timely given the recent adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
«With implementation occurring in nearly all states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards, voters believe there should be a reasonable transition time given during this undertaking,» said Boyd.
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