Sentences with phrase «given additional iron»

If your baby needs it, he'll be given additional iron in the form of drops.

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I saw something like this on iron chef of all places the other day and wanted to give it a shot, and then saw this which gave me some additional guidelines.
This should be given in the form of egg yolks and liver — liver is the first weaning food in traditional cultures for this very reason — because at the age of six months, the baby does need additional iron.
She stated that though the best solution to Anaemia in adolescent girls, according to experts, is to give them nutrient - rich food with additional meat, liver, chicken, egg or fish, it is also important to supplement that by providing them with iron folate supplements routinely for immediate health and developmental benefits.
This additional hydrogen makes the iron peroxide stable under extreme conditions and denser than surrounding minerals, giving rise to the distinct zones that behave differently than the rest of the mantle.
In a 2014 paper in Nature, they concluded that atomic vibrations in the STO travel up into the iron selenide and give electrons the additional energy they need to pair up and carry electricity with zero loss at higher temperatures than they would on their own.
Given that there is slightly more iron in the homemade formula than even in breastmilk, there is no need to supplement additional sources of iron for an infant until about the age of 6 months.
On the topic of storage, there's also ample room underneath the rear seat for additional equipment... at any given time, I have a hydraulic jack, tire iron, crowbar, tool bag, shop towels, jumper cables, spare gloves, first aid kit, and other miscellaneous items stashed away in there.
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