Sentences with phrase «given alternate forms»

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I ended up supplementing with formula partially because of doctors who were too alarmist about his weight, but also because of really intense, borderline mean, and not helpful lactation consultants at my (very breastfeeding - friendly) hospital... but most importantly, because he was showing signs of dehydration, and I swear to god any mom would immediately give some form of alternate feeding in that situation.
And to get those electrons to give up energy in the form of ultrabright X-ray light, they are wiggled in powerful, alternating magnetic fields in a device called an «undulator.»
Evelyn moves in and takes down all of Max's cherry Italian horror movie posters, while a local ice - cream shop gives Max a taste of alternate dating reality in the form of horror - movie loving Olivia (Alexandra Daddario).
I agree with the advice given by an earlier correspondent: Seek alternate forms of transport, to get yourself to the new car which awaits you.
Three other Square Enix games, Final Fantasy Trading Card Game, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, and The 3rd Birthday, give players access to downloadable content in the form of alternate outfits for Vaan, Cloud Strife, and Lightning, respectively.
Often the path will split — giving you the choice to stick with your current vehicle a bit longer on an alternate path, or take a route in a different form — although it can sometimes be tricky to tell which route is faster.
Devilian modifies the formula slightly by giving players alternate demonic forms they can transform into for a temporary power boost.
This weapon has two forms, as its name implies, and the player is able to alternate between both a sword and an axe depending on which they'd prefer to use in any given combat situation.
The paintings alternate between the atmospheric and concrete, and give form to the complex interweaving of sentiment, perception, and insight of which meaning is made.
'' Despite being placed haphazardly and with alternating sizes, the nails give the sculptures a uniform look, adding dimension to the male heads formed from found wood.
Make tomorrow's lunch and lay out your clothes the night before — this might give you that extra bit of time in the morning to choose an alternate form of transportation like walking, taking the bus, or biking
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