Sentences with phrase «given as a rare treat»

In conclusion, melon is safe when it is given as a rare treat, but it should never become more than that.
While baked bread offers no nutrition for your cat, it's perfectly safe to give them as a rare treat.
That said, pears are still only considered healthy for rabbits when they are given as rare treats.

Not exact matches

If you absolutely must use milk as a rare treat, don't worry too much, but you probably should not give your hamster milk on a regular basis to maintain health.
Give bananas to your rabbit the way you would give ice cream to your children: as a rare trGive bananas to your rabbit the way you would give ice cream to your children: as a rare trgive ice cream to your children: as a rare treat.
I give tiny amounts to our cats on rare occasions as treats only.
For the time, and given how progressive racists treated most minority characters in Hollywood then (like how progressives treat minority voters today, as useful props), Tonto was a rare exception.
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