Sentences with phrase «given effective participation»

NTRBs are the key to ensuring that Indigenous people are given effective participation in decision - making over traditional lands and natural resources.

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To preserve and enhance personal autonomy, all children, including those with disabilities, should be given opportunities for full and effective participation in community life.
Such a task, as well as participation in the threaded discussion, should be evaluated by a trainer and a feedback should be given to make these mechanisms as effective as possible (Support of Trainees rule).
With membership and conference participation that includes district and school leaders, classroom teachers, and higher education professionals, SCASCD's sponsorship program gives business partners an effective channel to promote their products and services.
As you are getting ready to come to Turkey, we would like to take this opportunity to give you below some useful last - minute information that will facilitate your stay in Istanbul, and make your participation in the Forum more effective and enjoyable.
Given the acknowledgement by the NIC of the need for further consultations with affected communities and the standards of effective participation set out above, it is essential that State and Commonwealth governments engage with Indigenous communities prior to the implementation of the NIC Principles.
Reconciliation must include recognition of rights to equality, non-discrimination and effective participation and must give weight to the aspirations of Indigenous Australians.
The absence of the effective participation by Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, including the opportunity to give their free, prior and informed consent in the development of the Northern Territory Intervention has been raised as a concern internationally.
An important aspect of Indigenous communities being able to exercise the rights in ICCPR and ICERD is for the communities to have effective participation in, or give prior consent to, decisions that affect them.
Participants are given the opportunity to investigate professional learning, collaboration, reflective practice, participation in peer - review processes and joining like - minded communities as these factors contribute to building effective facilitation skills.
Effective participation occurs when Indigenous people are substantially involved in formulating the policy and have given their prior and informed consent to both the policy goals adopted and the way in which these goals are implemented and evaluated.
Rather, native title is a substantial interest in land that gives rise to internationally recognised rights to effective participation in the management of that land and should not be easily displaced.
[41] Given the discriminatory effect of failing to protect Indigenous peoples» right to effective participation regarding developments on their land and the consequent risk that valuable native title rights may be extinguished or impaired, s7 (2)(a) applies to ensure that the Tribunal exercises its powers to hear any objections to the expedited procedure.
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