Sentences with phrase «given general background»

To do so, you are given general background information about a situation, from which you are expected to ask questions that will help you either understand the issue (by collecting more information) or solve the problem.
Before the Investigatory Committee's questioning began, Dr. Lindzen was given some general background information regarding the process of inquiry and investigation into allegations concerning Dr. Mann, with a focus on the particular allegation that is the subject of the current review by the Investigatory Committee.
Such courses give a general background rather than a specialisation, but Hébrard was able to spend some time working on astrobiology for a report he had to write.
The introduction to the debate gives a general background on the various estimates for the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) and transient climate response (TCR to a doubling of CO2 and asks these questions:
Give the general background — just enough details to help the interviewer paint a picture of the situation.

Not exact matches

However, this is not as easy as it sounds and you have to do a lot of background research on the two given currencies and correctly use the analysis tools to determine the general trend in their values over recent times.
For starters, it has given me a very important inside & background story as to make up my mind as to who to vote for, if Mitt Romney will become a candidate, in the next general elections.
In reference to any given society the world of actual entities is to be conceived as forming a background in layers of social order, the defining characteristic becoming wider and more general as we widen the background.
This is clear in Whitehead's description of the natural social order: «In reference to any given society, the world of actual entities is to he conceived as forming a background in layers of social order, the defining characteristics become wider and more general as we widen the background» (PR 98 / 150).
Even if it could be shown that economic or general social conditions in a given society have prompted a desire for deliverance, the ideas of redemption that may be included in a religious message are not invalidated by an inquiry into their social «background,» provided we do not conceive of the relation in deterministic terms but consider conditions as a framework which may include a variety of contents.
Collingwood's definition of the task of the metaphysician in The Elimination of Metaphysics must be understood against this background: «Metaphysics is primarily at any given time an attempt to discover what the people of that time believe about the world's general nature; such beliefs being the presuppositions of all their «physics,» that is, their inquiries into its detail.
Religion in China, by E. R and K. Hughes, is a quick introduction in the Hutchinson University Library series, giving a general sketch of the religious background of Chinese history.
This examination gives the doctor background on your daughter's general health and a baseline to use for comparisons in future exams.
Editors note: You haven't given me much background, so I can only give you a general answer.
Giving the background, Prof Yakubu said: «Soon after the 2011 General Elections, the Commission developed an extensive 5 - year Strategic Plan covering the period 2012 - 2016.
They should start with some brief BACKGROUND information: a sentence giving a broad introduction to the field comprehensible to the general reader, and then a sentence of more detailed background specific to yBACKGROUND information: a sentence giving a broad introduction to the field comprehensible to the general reader, and then a sentence of more detailed background specific to ybackground specific to your study.
In general, low ranked soldiers do not come from a background which will give them a decent education.
Books are, in general, driven largely by characters and background story, which give a depth of understanding and meaning (when done right) to the events that eventually come into play.
A series of four worksheets to give some background algebra, do plenty of examples finding a limit, then for advanced pupils go on to find a general formula for a linear sequence.
Although RAND attempted a variety of analytical methods, its general approach was to estimate the impact of family background and measures of school resources on average student performance on as many of these tests as were administered in a given state.
The general one that gives a comprehensive overview of applicant's background and gives almost complete freedom for the content;
Introduction — In the introduction, you should give background information to help the reader understand why your topic is interesting and / or important, and tell the reader (in general terms) what you were trying to do for your thesis.
To give some background, we created a free to play game for Legal & General to help promote life cover and awareness of insurance to a younger audience, one that increasingly leaves -LSB-...]
To give some background, we created a free to play game for Legal & General to help promote life cover and awareness of insurance to a younger audience, one that increasingly leaves decisions on life cover very late in their lives.
Professional background: priority will be given to applicants working in energy statistics, general statistics, and energy analysis
As part of the training workshops, diverse backgrounds and shared challenges to covering these issues are discussed, and journalists are given the skills needed to communicate complex environmental topics more effectively to the general public, as well as the tools they need to run effective local media organizations.
This question was prompted by a discussion I overheard recently at a scientific conference about a specific example (background given below), but ideally I would like the answer to explain the legal principles involved in this general area if feasible.
The recent march in Washington took the general conversation of gun violence and intersected racial and economic status, giving students from across the country, and from various backgrounds and ethnic groups, representation.
But a general cover letter gives the prospective employer an overview of an applicant's professional, academic and working background.
My experience providing counseling, mentoring, and general support to youth populations with criminal and / or challenging backgrounds — as well as my excellent communication and interpersonal skills — gives me confidence in my ability to significantly benefit your organization and the youth you work with.
The Florida statute gives employers the benefit of the doubt in negligent hiring suits, presuming they are NOT negligent if, before hiring the employee, the employer conducted a background investigation of the prospective employee and the investigation did not reveal information that reasonably demonstrated that the individual was unsuitable for the particular work or employment in general.
If you're looking for an education that gives you a more comprehensive background in general subjects and health sciences, the school's Associate of Applied Science Degree in Medical Assisting is the right choice.
This study provides evidence that a diversity of family background (socioeconomic deprivation, housing tenure, family disruption and parental interest), health and development (cognition and behaviour) measures gives powerful independent childhood indications for general health and mental well - being in early adulthood, whereas limiting long - standing illness in adulthood is most strongly indicated by health difficulties in childhood.
This general background gives Joanna a solid knowledge base to assist family law clients, and a unique perspective on the legal issues touching family law.
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