Sentences with phrase «given specific amounts»

- Each state be given a specific amount of guaranteed money to run school nutrition programs.
Or I'll give myself a specific amount of time to only focus on one thing.
If you want more money besides the allowance that you're already getting, find the right time and ask him politely to give you a specific amount of money for your hair, nails, gym membership, and so on.
The Crew gives you a specific amount of Crew Credits in the beginning of the game, with which you will easily start buying things which give instant access to things you need to otherwise unlock through elaborate missions.
Your benefactors will have to provide documentation that they are giving you a specific amount of cash as a gift, with no expectations of being repaid.
So although I can't answer the question for you and give you a specific amount to put into your investment I would strongly encourage you to gather the real estate investing information you need to evaluate the situation and see if you can keep some of that money in your own pocket or have it work harder for you by using «other people's money».
With portion - controlled feeding the dog or cat is given a specific amount of food, often divided into two meals per day.
The different countries don't measure CO2 emissions, they measure fossil fuel sales which each give their specific amount of CO2 when burned.
Instead, you give a specific amount of money for a certain term of coverage.
When you are resigning as an independent contractor it is not necessary to give a specific amount of notice, however, notice is always appreciated.

Not exact matches

Lenders give you access to a specific amount of credit (say, $ 100,000), but you don't make payments or get charged interest until you tap into the funds.
This is the adjusted amount returned after the load amount, along with some other specific charges, as with 12b - 1 fees, which are associated with marketing and a calculated amount based on a given period of time.
Each share is given a specific dollar amount that it will be allotted, thus, the more shares you own, the more money you would receive as...
This calculator will give you an estimate of the amount of interest that will accrue on your federal loans during a specific deferment period and how much the new loan balance will be at the end of the deferment.
A warrant is a certificate, which gives shareholders the right to purchase future shares within the company either for a specific period of time, within a certain amount of years or they may have the right to purchase these new stock shares at any time.
The Bible gives specific responsibilities to pastors / elders that require a certain amount of organization.
They could vary the amount of detail given for a specific account also.
Once give my money to the insurance company I have a contract for a specific amount and kinds of coverage.
It's a great bread book, but her method for achieving a starter takes fifteen days and gives highly specific flour and water amounts for feeding the thing, all of which is clearly unnecessarily difficult by about 12 days and pounds of wasted flour.
In some cases, there aren't specific portion sizes (for instance, a breakfast may just advise to add ham, but not give a portion amount).
The devices are programmed to only provide a specific amount of medication for specific time periods to ensure that people don't give themselves too much.
This is not necessarily the exact amount of water you yourself will need — the IOM points out, «Given the extreme variability in water needs that are not solely based on differences in metabolism, but also in environmental conditions and activity, there is not a single level of water intake that would ensure adequate hydration and optimal health for half of all apparently healthy persons in all environmental conditions... the AI [Adequate Intake] does not represent a requirement; it is an amount that should meet the needs of almost everyone in the specific life stage group under the conditions described.»
Are given the freedom to explore new tastes and textures without the pressure to eat a set amount or a specific food.
Giving kids a specific amount of money to spend on clothes, and allowing them to figure out what they can afford is a great way to help them learn budgeting.
Although Congress mostly resisted the temptation to tinker with the budget details, it did give some specific projects a boost beyond the requested amount.
With «automatic optimization,» you simply tell the system to give you a design with specific characteristics, like a drone that's as lightweight as possible while still being able to carry the maximum amount of weight.
The packing can be an intimate mixture of two types of beads: one to capture specific radionuclides, the other with scintillating properties, meaning it can give off light in proportion to the amount of radioactivity present.
ANDREA: Food is important, and I'm not a nutritionist so I can't give too much specific information, but I was at one point, back in the early 2000s competitive weight training was my thing, so I was on a diet where I was eating very lean protein, complex carbohydrates, a certain amount of fats and I was very, very militant about my eating.
Instead of working out a set amount every day, you increase the amount you workout every day, either in weights or reps.. This will give your body a strong signal that specific muscle groups need to grow.
the foods are specific because fruits, fish, meats, etc., have different amounts of fat and certain nutrients, ie, grapefruit has citrus acid proven to burn fat... the diet should be done 3days on 4 days off for one month, eat in moderation, and it is designed to change eating habits and even shrink the sto mach so overeating is a no - no, and substitutions should be kept to a bare minimum as the foods work together to give maximum results.
A: Though we can't give you specific dietary advice related to pregnancy, which you would need to discuss with a dietitian who knew your personal history, your reasons for eating LCHF and your goals, and who could advise you with regard to specific foods, adequate nutrients, and total amount of energy, there are some general points that can be made.
If your serious and you really want a firm shredded midsection, then treat it like any other body part and give it a reasonable amount of sets & reps. Don't forget to take into consideration the many other exercises, such as squats & lunges, which also hit the abdominal muscles, and decrease you specific «Ab» work accordingly.
The doctor will take some blood to check your blood sugar, and then give you a special drink, with a specific amount of sugar in it.
In this case, that amounts to your typical scene - specific trivia in addition to some other interesting tidbits, like the title of the cut from the film's score that's playing at any given moment, or detailed cast and crew listings.
This isn't a terribly big issue, but given that you will have to spend a significant amount driving around specific cars, even if you don't like the way they handle, simply because you are limited to the sponsors available.
Some of these, though normal battles, require you to use a specific character or only want you to kill a certain amount of enemies in a given time limit.
While he didn't give a specific number, Takashi mentioned that the game has the largest amount of 2D Sonic stages ever.
Job shadowing allows those interested in a specific field to follow an individual already working in that field for a day or a given amount of time.
For Item 7, in order to give an opportunity for everyone who has signed up to speak and provide their input to the board, rather than allotting a certain amount of time to a specific side or to official proponents and opponents, the board will move right into the one minute public comment, pursuant to Title 5 Code of Regulations, Section 9522 and 18463, following a presentation by staff of the California Department of Education.
Motivation, interest, and specific aptitudes influence the amount of energy students are willing to apply to a given task.
Production incentives can be based on a specific amount of flagged hours or hours up - sold in a given period of time.
To help reduce expenses, track shop supplies used by individual technicians and give an incentive by keeping supplies under a specific amount.
The major ebook distribution retailers are notoriously tight - lipped when it comes to giving out specific information on their ebook and e-reader sales, but Amazon was recently forced to disclose some highly sensitive information to Parliament's PAC, or Public Accounts Committee, alongside fellow giants Starbucks and Google over disputes about the amounts of taxes owed.
Also, the distribution agreement within Findaway gives specific information about payments schedules and royalty amounts from various sources.
Giving yourself specific guidelines can help you channel the necessary amount of intellectual and emotional resources to meet the challenge ahead.
Some people give a fixed percentage of their income to charity rather than a specific dollar amount.
On the other hand, a «tenor option» gives you specific fixed amount on a monthly basis for the period you live in the home.
Why did they give me specific grant amounts, loan amounts (in his name) unsubsidized / subsidized, to start with, but now they're telling me to apply for parent loans?
Option: A contract that gives the right to a holder to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a fixed amount of a security at a specific price anytime before the stated expiration date (for an American - style option).
The specific balance of stocks and bonds in a given portfolio is designed to create a specific risk - reward ratio that offers the opportunity to achieve a certain rate of return on your investment in exchange for your willingness to accept a certain amount of risk.
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