Sentences with phrase «given tangible rewards»

It's been well - documented in cases where people are given tangible rewards each time they perform a particular behavior (e.g., giving your child some money each time he eats broccoli).
These ideas are echoed in the «prosperity gospel» — characterized by the belief that God wants to bless His people, that He wants to give us tangible rewards such as riches and success and that we claim these rewards by exercising our faith in obedience.
Awarding a learner a certificate when they successfully complete a course gives them a tangible reward that can be used to promote your courses.

Not exact matches

You are also given a ton of responsibility which makes the work rewarding and tangible.
Teachers just need to fill in the «IOU» circle with the reward being given (we use VIVOs and just fill in IOU 10 Vivos, but this could easily be house points, commendations etc.) A tangible method of rewarding your students - they do something good, they something immediately.
Recruiting through quests (like finding a missing item, beating up somebody who is giving them trouble, or even just visiting their secret dungeon base for a cup of tea) and social interactions is way more fun than the random recruitment found in previous Pokemon Mystery Dungeon titles, and it keeps you playing as there's always a tangible reward for adventuring.
Sure, the game always provides enough work to keep your avatar and its Keflings busy, and gives you a tangible reason to get that work done - there is always a reward for the effort you make — but unfortunately, that's where it starts to fall apart.
There are a lot of interesting play styles that Evolve allows for with any given class, but watching the very slow movement of progress bars game after game feels too much like wheels spinning without a tangible reward.
Missions typically involve your troops raiding an area for loot, giving you a tangible sense of progression and completion with immediate rewards to keep you interested.
Some may find it both overly stingy, and unbearably keen on the grind, but it gives the single player game some tangible reward for your progress, and ensures that you're well - versed in the game's systems before you really start experimenting.
Cartoonish arbiters of gaming culture Penny Arcade have taken to Kickstarter in an attempt to conjure up revenue in order to go ad - free for a year, giving participants no significantly tangible rewards, with Twitter following and Xbox LIVE befriending offered up for hundreds spent.
Does anyone know of any firm, anywhere in the world, that gives lawyers tangible monetary rewards (higher salary, bonus or higher bonus, extra vacation days, laptops, BlackBerries, etc.) for knowledge sharing?
seeking response from others, but there are meaningful and authentic ways to provide this without having to resort to tangible rewards or praise that is given as approval (or not given — which shows disapproval).
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