Sentences with phrase «gives web coded»

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QR codes act like bar codes and provide a smartphone or tablet user with immediate access to a given web page where the user can read the message and take the next step.
From there users will move on to Advanced JavaScript Programming, where you'll be able to learn more skills in code manipulation, giving you greater power to perfect the style and tone of the web pages you design.
Exemptions are given for operating systems, web cookies, HTML and JavaScript code, and software updates or upgrades if a company can prove a user had previously consented to installing its program.
There are kiosks where you can go, type in the web address on the kiosk, pay for the rental cleaner as well as any cleaning solutions — it will give you a little code to have access to your machine and you are good to go!
For today's #MondayFunday, Celebrity Baby Trends is proud to partner with Disney Infinity to give one lucky winner a Disney Infinity 3.0 Starter Pack containing the video game software, base, two Star Wars figures, one Star Wars Twilight Of The Republic play set piece, and one web code card.
The action implications of these findings, as well as some of the dos noted earlier, are to promote a genuine and broad sense of inclusiveness by educating for true understanding of diversity, especially as manifest in one's own school, to ensure that school codes of conduct and core values are integrated into everyday routines, including opportunities for student reflection and feedback on student report cards (versus being relegated to statements in handbooks or on web sites), and to require that all students are given systematic training in social problem solving or related social - emotional skills and encouraged specifically to use those skills in finding alternatives to mistreating others, seeking help effectively, and upstanding in the presence of injustice and inequity.
Throughout the rest of the month, iStoryTime will be giving away free copies of select titles to all users via access codes scattered among app and publishing industry websites around the web.
It gives users the ability to scan a QR code to browse the web, easy - to - use bookmarks (supports fuzzy search), support for different user agents and web maps, option to set your start page, enable / disable auto fill, javascript, and cookies, web data cleaning, and a nice UI.
I'll sure appreciate it if some gave me ANY unused web code.
We are grateful to the researchers who did this work and gave permission to adapt their computer code to a web browser.
The fact that your code is purely client side is irrelevant - you are abusing your authority (given by the web browser) to break into an information network - the fact that you are adding information rather than stealing it is irrelevant.
In addition, the listing also give us the official description of the items which notes that it does include a web code as well!
Their users employ «a lot of plugins and open source code which can be exploited downstream to give hackers access to any Web properties running them,» he told the E-Commerce Times.
As the first step toward creating an extremely vigorous ecosystem, the ARK Deployer script gives enthusiasts the chance to begin learning the workings of the ARK ecosystem and familiarise themselves with the code, which is now available for demonstrations through Hackathons and conferences, the script will allow the world to test the limitations of the of the blockchain «web» that ARK so desires to produce.
Read through the lens of a smartphone camera, QR codes lead those who can't help but scan them to Web pages, giving you another way to help you grow your subscriber list, or to give your recipients a way to redeem a discount, be it online or in store.
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