Sentences with phrase «giving circles in»

She was recently awarded a 2014 - 2015 Fulbright Scholar Award to conduct research on giving circles in the UK, affiliated with the University of Birmingham Third Sector Research Centre.
She was recently awarded a 2014 - 2015 Fulbright Scholar Award to conduct research on giving circles in the UK, affiliated with the University of Birmingham Third Sector Research Centre.
You can also be part of the South London Gallery's future by joining a giving circle in the Fire Station campaign.

Not exact matches

The letter has become a must - read in business circles for giving a good look into the Amazon CEO's management principles and long - term thinking.
It's surrounding women entrepreneurs in a circle of mentorship, sources of capital and the knowledge and media placement to help their businesses thrive, giving them all of the tools to accelerate their growth and take them to the next level.
Some researchers suggest that gossip not only gives people a better idea of what's going on around them in their social circles and at work, but also helps people feel more involved in events.
Just because someone in your circle is a customer or works for you doesn't give them license to tell you how to navigate your ship.
It turns out that to actually find text in these images, you can train a machine learning model where you give it some example data where people have drawn circles or boxes around the text.
Inflation targets have been very successful at maintaining price stability because they give everyone an easy way to understand monetary policy and, over time, create a virtuous circle in which realized inflation and expectations reinforce each other.
Given the passion and loyalty within our current community and growing brand awareness in circles outside our footprint, we believe there is an opportunity to optimize our market presence as measured by rides per day.
Given the passion and loyalty with our current community and growing brand awareness in circles outside our footprint, we believe there is an opportunity to optimize our market presence as measured by rides per day.
This will give competition to competitors, enhance exposure among professional circles and be helpful in achieving the objectivities and targets.
Her book, Giving Circles: Philanthropy, Voluntary Association, Democracy (Indiana University Press) won CASE's 2010 John Grenzebach Research Award for Outstanding Research in Philanthropy.
The idea of basic income — in which the government gives all citizens a small monthly stipend — has grown popular in tech circles, not in the least because it's seen as a possible solution to the looming problem of robots, artificial intelligence, and automation taking jobs away from human workers.
Some investment bankers said there was talk in banking circles of a possible tie - up between the two given their complementary businesses.
It all circles back to my belief that younger investors should focus on RE for appreciation and tax benefits, which will give them the experience to handle the notes if they go bad when they're investing for cash flow later in life.
It seems to me that in some Christian circles, we have created a culture that tells single women that they must wait on men to make the first move, that they should give the brunt of responsibility in relationships to the man.
Active in Catholic intellectual circles, he gave papers denouncing «the poison of collectivism.»
I have absolutely no problem with Poligomy it is the whole «an Angel gave golden plates (which have never been seen) to Joesph Smith» thing plus the whole women as subserviant to men aspect of LDS and the «inner circle of MEN only in the temples running everything» that make it hard for me to accept.
Also viewed from a high spot the horizon appears to end in a continuous circle around the observer giving the intuitive impression that the Earth is formed like a plate or disc.
However, in many modern Christian circles, practicing Lent — through fasting or giving up certain items or activities in day - to - day life — has fallen out of favor.
However, in many modern Christian circles, practicing Lent — through fasting or giving...
The argument continues around and around in circles until you realise baptism can't give you anew the union with God that was already revealed through the cross.
I have it on good authority he said «My wife... is such a comedian, always cracking up the apostles with her naughty jokes... Like did you hear the one she told about the Priest the Rabbi and the Pastor who were discussing how they apporting their collections and the Priest says «We go into the parking lot and draw a circle on the ground and throw all the money up and any that lands in the circle we give to God» and the Pastor says «Yeah, we do almost the same thing but give God anything that falls outside the circle» and the Rabbi looks at them both and says «We do almost the same thing to, draw a circle and throw up the money high into the air and God keeps what God wants...»
The parent storms, the child looks on, catches the lineaments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the circle of smaller slaves, gives loose to his worst passions; and, thus nursed, educated and daily exercised in tyranny, can not but be stamped by it with odious peculiarities.3
For example give the water cycle, it was described in the bible, long before science could accurately describe it, as is the form of the earth being a circle, when it was believed that the earth was flat.
Authority, in all the churches, must give such an account of itself by reference to those sources that enshrine the heritage of the community and, in like manner, those under authority are required by the inner logic of the common tradition to examine the functioning of the authority and challenge it if, in its use of power, it steps outside the aforementioned «circle of permissibility.»
Each of us has been given various platforms in our lives — at our jobs, in our social circles, within our families.
Before proceeding to the discussion, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by «metaphysics», given the opinion in many philosophical circles that such an endeavour is neither possible nor even desirable.
One of the points on which Thomas Aquinas is held in such high repute in Catholic circles is his careful exploration of the stretches of territory that lie between reason and revelation, giving full validity within their own sphere to the discoveries of reason alone.
Universal agape engages in a closed circle; harmony gives way to diversity which is transformed back into general harmony.
Many in Christian circles now see it as their duty to give strong support to human rights, yet for nearly 2,000 years the concept of human rights was never acknowledged as a Christian value.
It will not be possible in these chapters to give attention to all of these circles.
The last terminology is favored by some proponents of therapy for homosexuals but, given the acronym, is not likely to catch on in wider circles.
Given the inner circle protection thats been afforded the churches clergy just in my lifetime alone, and the unwanted exposure that has cast them into the public light, I would not want to live my life modeled after them.
In Protestant circles especially plans were deliberately laid for giving an intelligible knowledge of the Christian message to every living human being, and efforts were made to enlist in the achievement of this goal all Protestant ChristianIn Protestant circles especially plans were deliberately laid for giving an intelligible knowledge of the Christian message to every living human being, and efforts were made to enlist in the achievement of this goal all Protestant Christianin the achievement of this goal all Protestant Christians.
SO the next time your sitting in a circle listening to some bad version of 60's folk music and beating your drum stop for a minute and ask yourself where did this all come from, certainly not from centuries of passing down religious traditions and «correct» teachings originally given to us by God.
This full prophetic faith is given climactic summary in the floating oracle; and even more eloquently, movingly, in this phenomenal utterance originating probably in circles of prophetism subsequent to Isaiah, but, perhaps not without some justification in view of his tremendous influence, attributed to him in Isaiah 19:23 f.
Are not todays social circles being publically opened up giving governing bodies a «look see» into today's yes segregated socialists in order for governing judicial powers to stay abreast of seminary socialists currents ongoing ways?
Opposition was aroused in conservative circles, but so much of what was written was obviously from reverent scholars, constructive rather than negative, completely devoted to Christ and His Church, that in time general assent was given by the majority of thoughtful churchmen to the more moderate conclusions.
He thus gave the support of his office to the conviction that Mary had been born without original sin — a theological position on which Roman Catholic scholars had not been agreed — and by implication denounced views recently put forth by Strauss and held in many circles which denied the virgin birth of Jesus.
James Engel of Wheaton Graduate School of Communication surveyed a sample of viewers of the religious station WCFC - Channel 38 in Chicago who had called the station in response to the invitation given on the station to «accept Christ,» a term used in evangelical circles as equivalent to religious conversion.
To Herr Odendahl: It may be unfashionable in German Catholic circles to read the New Testament as any sort of reliable record of early Christianity, but do give it a try.
Romney is courting the vote in many circles but ultimately it will be the sluggish US economy and high unemployment that might give him the presidency...
Once it is ready to serve slice the top of the final cup of strawberries to give them a flat base on which to stand, then place them in circles on the top.
Hold the piping bag upright with the tip just above the sheet and pipe without pulling upwards or swirling in circles, so the batter comes out in a round blob around the tip, and give a little sideways flick at the end to break the stream.
Do you think you can give a video tutorial on how to roll out a circle in pizza crust?
This weekend, it could be that it's only a matter of time before someone makes a referee cry, that if the Premiership was decided on aimlessly passing in neat triangles around centre circle Tottenham would be champions by Christmas, that Liverpool just may not actually be that good, that Arsenal's shots to goals ratio is only as comical as Shay Given's during his Newcastle career, or that Portsmouth are going to be this year's «Happy With 5th» team.
Ham or not, Palmer's uncanny ability to sink winning shots has given birth to a new verb in golfing circles — «to Palmer.»
And whilst I remain in favour of AW moving on from the club, it must be said that it is only the fact of Wenger's status in the game, especially in French circles, that even gives Arsenal a whisper of being able to take this kid.
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