Sentences with phrase «giving emotional support»

Support was measured using the Intergenerational Support Scale (Fingerman et al., 2009) that measures how frequently family members exchange different types of support including companionship, talking about daily events, giving emotional support, providing practical support, giving advice, and providing financial assistance.
· Your partner may not be giving you the emotional support that you desire.
Seeking a role where I can be of service to the ailing patients and do my duty by helping them lead better lives through proper treatment and giving them emotional support to deal with their difficult times.
Offering the mother acknowledgement for the effort being put into breastfeeding and giving emotional support was seen to be especially important.
I get to witness the most sacred time of someone's life while giving emotional support.
See how you can help, from giving emotional support to making sure your child has the right gear for the first day of school.
She could have just, you know, focused on the promotion of breastfeeding and giving emotional support to moms who are BFing, who struggle with, among other issues, body image.
She said: «What we need is a culture in our schools which gives emotional support to children through puberty without encouraging them to make life - long decisions against their natural born biological sex.
Some church groups are primarily supportive - inspirational in their function — that is, fellowship groups give emotional support to their members.
If your partner is not as sensitive, you may wonder if he's going to be able to give you emotional support when the baby is born.
We try to think positive, set achievable goal or surround ourselves with people that give us emotional support.
The same company which sells Nugenix also distributes and sells Instaflex (a dietary supplement for better joint health) and Lumiday (natural remedy for anxiety, eases the effects of stress, gives emotional support, and improves overall mood).
You have to be well — mannered and show that you're not looking to get into a relationship with her for money and that you can give the emotional support that she had always been looking for.
It helps you in leading the race and gives you emotional support when you want to move on!
As a matter of fact, wealthy men wish to date a woman who would give him emotional support and be by his side through thick and thin.
A Doula helps wade through the confusion, holds your hand and gives emotional support before, during, and after labor.
At Symonds, we build strong, caring relationships with children, relationships that give them the emotional support to feel successful and confident.
Jay, you have missed it on this one; while the current GT programs may need rethinking, there are many instances of children needing extra help from a teacher who not only has specialized training in the ranges of issues presented by children with extraordinary abilities, but can take the pressure off the regular classroom teacher who does not have the time or expertise to prepare not only extra lessons, but give emotional support needed.
Betsy facilitated communication for Andy and gave him emotional support to be creative in his own way.
And Smith says she has given him emotional support and comfort in addition to helping him with tasks.
: Many dogs are trained in order to give emotional support to people with mental disabilities or diseases.
We advised team members how to handle particular situations (e.g., offensive phone calls) and gave them emotional support.
Lawyers are not trained to give you emotional support, to help you resolve conflict or to give you advice about parenting.
They give emotional support and advice to their patients.
They give emotional support and counsel patients.
At the same time parents are guided to develop more effective parenting techniques and given the emotional support required throughout the transition to successful care of their children.
Fortunately, these confiders seem to searching for people to listen to them or give emotional support.
He also came here immediately after Sept. 11 to give us the emotional support we'd need to deal with the stress we were about to face.»

Not exact matches

In fact, the best CEOs and executives have teams of people around them, giving them advice, and, yes, emotional support.
Permanent change happens when individuals are given personal attention, emotional support, and moral challenge and are held accountable for their actions.
Yes, some women can have serious emotional issues afterward, and they deserve all the love ans support the people around them can give, but that doesn't make ra - pe and abortion the same thing.
Our daughter went through divorce (and many years, unknown to us of her husband's unfaithfulness) and we loved her through it all, gave her practical and emotional support and now share her happiness in remarriage with 4 kiddies (the youngest from this new marriage).
Moreover, their dependence on the group is far more likely to involve emotional care than physical or economic support, and this care may be given quite sporadically.
Fellow Al - Anon members give massive emotional support to the wife during the lonesome, dreary days when the alcoholic refuses help.
Social scientists report that fathers of out - of - wedlock children and divorced fathers give surprising little economic or emotional support to their biological children.
Thought experment: what if you told your significant other hey Im just going to foster all these hot girlfreinds and give them the love, emotional & physical support they need until they can find a forever spouse?
«She wanted me to drive for her, caddie for her, rake the traps for her, give her compliments and emotional support.
My family loved meeting you tonight and we are so grateful for all the time and emotional support you gave us.
Many support groups are available to give you the emotional backing you'll need.
Share your journeys with other ladies, giving and receiving emotional support with others in a similar situation to you.
Prenatally, she provides resources, information and support and during birth gives encouragement and emotional and physical comfort.
A doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth.
Practical tips and emotional support can give you a break.
I was going through PPD (postpartum depression) with a colicky baby and she was there to give me advice and to be an emotional support.
It's helpful if dads or other partners can give an extra boost with these everyday chores, as well as offer plenty of general emotional support.
This could be your partner, sibling, parent, friend or your doula (someone who gives emotional and practical support to women during pregnancy and birth).
Doulas offer emotional, physical, and informational support to women before, during, and after giving birth.
The role of a birth partner is to give you practical, emotional, and sometimes physical support throughout pregnancy and during childbirth.
A too - large percentage of the respondents, 20 % of those women who had a partner or a husband, said that their significant others gave them affection, enjoyment, emotional or practical support either not at all, or only for short bursts.
The answers to those questions are going to tell you how much emotional support the doctor gives to breastfeeding and how much practical help the doctor gives (that includes being able to recommend and partner with a good lactation consultant).
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