Sentences with phrase «giving generic answers»

When asked about their favorite things people seem to shy away from specifics and instead give a generic answer along the lines of «everything».
Rather give a generic answer in terms of your career objective.

Not exact matches

You were given an answer, and a fairly generic one at that.
You will clearly notice this in interviews and debates, where a candidate asked about topic X will very frequently give generic non-committal response to X and somehow turn the answer into how it relates to campaign point Y.
I am afraid that I have to give you the most generic of answers; it depends.
It's a generic question that breeds generic answers, and doesn't really give you additional insight into who I am.
Giving what may appear to be the «right» answer will only make you seem as though you are generic; be proud of who you and are what makes you different, because this is what makes you interesting and increases your chances of finding a compatible match.
The basic problem is that there are so many different types of species and even breeds that it is almost impossible to give anything more definite than a very generic answer.
You could call, but the hirer probably will not answer the phone and Human Resources will only give you a generic response.
, most candidates give a very generic answer instead of providing specific examples relevant to employer's needs.
And definitely don't give some generic «Miss America» contestant answer about wanting to change the world.
While everyone is providing generic answers you will be able to give a thoughtful and concrete answer that shows your knowledge and your ability.
You may be wondering that the answer to this question is but obvious, but many job seekers still make the mistake of using generic templates and giving recruiters boring documents that just kills their chances of landing a good job.
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