Sentences with phrase «giving liquid gold»

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By making gold more liquid and technologically accessible than ever, it gives everyone an equal opportunity to prosper.
Your milk won't actually come in for another couple of days, but in those moments after giving birth, your body's already working overtime to make that precious liquid gold.
I'd love to be able to wave a magic wand so no mom has to experience the agony of seeing her milk spilled on the counter but since we can't do that, we'll give you some tips and guidelines for avoiding other unnecessary causes to pouring liquid gold down the drain.
However, due to the great help with the nurses and support on various websites, I will be able to give ds 6 months of liquid gold and I'm so happy for that!
Breast milk, aka «liquid gold,» has been long touted as the best food you could give an infant.
So, it's not a lot of volume but it is so jam packed with protein and so many anti-bodies and it's pretty much all there's wonderful white blood cells that are protecting your baby and giving your baby its first immunities and it's just, like I said, it's liquid gold.
And I will always be the voice for us women who can't nurse — but still believe in giving our babies that liquid gold.
I don't offer her, she just asks and I give her this precious liquid gold.
You did whatever it took (and it took a LOT) to give your child 8 months of liquid gold.
I gave my baby boy 1.2 L of liquid gold for 8 months but my body was telling me it was enough.
Our current (WONDERFUL) allergist has said that breastmilk is liquid gold, and that by continuing to nurse her we have avoided hospitalization and have made her healthier than she otherwise would be given all we are dealing with.
You're doing a wonderful thing — giving your baby liquid gold as long as possible!
Often called liquid gold because of its amazing, health - giving properties, colostrum contains a number of compounds that protect and support your baby's growth, development, and immunity during those first few days, including beneficial bacteria, growth factors, antioxidants, hormones, fatty acids, antibodies, and cytokines.
This goodness is the result of thousands of hours of pollen - collecting by bees from over two million flowers (and that will give you just a pound of pure honey AKA liquid gold).
This is a gorgeous gold liquid highlighter that's lightweight and gives the face a beautiful glow (as I remember it).
Give her the look with Pinot Noir Liquid Eyeliner, Rose Gold 24 - Karat Gold Dust and Rasberry PureGloss Lip Gloss.
She also loves maple syrup and although she has a never ending supply of this liquid gold, the syrup «matured in single - use bourbon oak barrels from Kentucky» from 1769 Distillery seems like a splurge and is the perfect gift to give or receive for the holidays.
This gold marbling gives the impression of liquid lava running down the walls, onto a bed of silky textures and contrasting shades, which ensures the look avoids over-glitz.
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