Sentences with phrase «glacial period about»

As glaciers melted and retreated since the peak of the last glacial period about 18,000 years ago (Figure 4 - 6, p. 89), the earth's average sea level has risen about 125 meters (410 feet).
Like the emergence from the last glacial period about 15,000 years ago.

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Cave Bears (Ursus spelaeus) lived in Europe during the most recent glacial period, approximately 400,000 years ago, until they became extinct about 25,000 years ago.
Instead, the fossil record indicates they vanished during the Earth's glacial - interglacial transition, which occurred about 12,000 years ago and led to much warmer conditions and the start of the current Holocene period.
These may be submerged ancient shorelines cut during times of lower sea level, «the most recent of which occurred during the last glacial period, which ended about 19,000 years ago,» Chaytor said.
But some researchers have argued that the transition from the frigid climatic period known as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)-- about 20,000 to 25,000 years ago — to the current warm Holocene Epoch brought habitat changes that killed off the mammoths with little or no help from humans.
«The source and sink of carbon from glacial to interglacial periods is the holy grail of oceanography,» says oceanographer Victor Smetacek of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany, who led the EIFEX expedition and was the lead author on a paper about it published online today in Nature.
«Neanderthals were almost certainly making fire during the last glacial period,» says Sorensen, referring to a time about 100,000 to 35,000 years ago.
The sediment cores used in this study cover a period when the planet went through many climate cycles driven by variations in Earth's orbit, from extreme glacial periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like tglacial periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like tGlacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like today's.
Woolly mammoths disappeared from Siberia and North America about 10,000 years ago, along with other giant mammals that went extinct at the end of the last glacial period.
Patrick Crill, an American biogeochemist at Stockholm University, says ice core data from the past 800,000 years, covering about eight glacial and interglacial cycles, show atmospheric methane concentrations between 350 and 800 parts per billion in glacial and interglacial periods, respectively.
«the last glacial period is a good example of a large forcing (~ 7 W / m ^ 2 from ice sheets, greenhouse gases, dust and vegetation) giving a large temperature response (~ 5 ºC) and implying a sensitivity of about 3ºC (with substantial error bars).»
As we have discussed previously, the last glacial period is a good example of a large forcing (~ 7 W / m2 from ice sheets, greenhouse gases, dust and vegetation) giving a large temperature response (~ 5 ºC) and implying a sensitivity of about 3ºC (with substantial error bars).
However, it's quite a different matter melting a long - lived massive ice sheet up to 1.5 km thick that covers over 70 % of the land surface (as happened at the end of the last glacial period), from melting isolated and much thinner ice caps / sheets that only cover about 11 % of the land surface (i.e. present - day).»
Fortunately it normally occurs in very low concentration in the atmosphere — about 0.3 to 0.4 ppm during glacial periods and 0.6 to 0.7 ppm during warmer periods.
During the last glacial period, and up until about 10,000 BC, most of Ireland was periodically covered in ice.
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Weather, live sport scores, and what's new in entertainment, business During the last glacial period, and up until about 10,000 BC, most of Ireland was periodically covered in ice.
Last glacial period began about 120,000 years ago and end about 15,000 years ago.
For example, the uniform lowering of tropical snowline by about 900 meters during the Last Glacial Maximum is generally attributed to cooling [Porter 2001], and indeed provided the first indication that something was wrong with plankton - based estimates of tropical cooling during the glacial Glacial Maximum is generally attributed to cooling [Porter 2001], and indeed provided the first indication that something was wrong with plankton - based estimates of tropical cooling during the glacial glacial period.
During the glacial period there were 26 abrupt temperature increases of about 7 - 10 degrees.
«the last glacial period is a good example of a large forcing (~ 7 W / m ^ 2 from ice sheets, greenhouse gases, dust and vegetation) giving a large temperature response (~ 5 ºC) and implying a sensitivity of about 3ºC (with substantial error bars).»
At the end of the glacial periods, CO2 increases about 80 ppm over ~ 10,000 years.
Indeed, pervious studies have tied increases in the C14 in tree rings, and hence reduced solar irradiance, to Holocene glacial advances in Scandinavia, expansions of the Holocene Polar Atmosphere circulation in Greenland; and abrupt cooling in the Netherlands about 2700 years ago... Well dated, high resolution measurements of O18 in stalagmite from Oman document five periods of reduced rainfall centered at times of strong solar minima at 6300, 7400, 8300, 9000, and 9500 years ago.»
: the fact that the ocean was colder during glacial periods by itself explains only about 10 % of the CO2 change.
It is therefore estimated that about 500 billion tons of carbon were emitted into the atmosphere at the end of the last glacial period.
In addition, during the glacial period large sections of tropical rain forest changes to savannah (About a third of the tropical forest changes to savannah.
Global average temperature is lower during glacial periods for two primary reasons: 1) there was only about 190 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere, and other major greenhouse gases (CH4 and N2O) were also lower 2) the earth surface was more reflective, due to the presence of lots of ice and snow on land, and lots more sea ice than today (that is, the albedo was higher).
For example, atmospheric carbon dioxide grew by approximately 30 % during the transition from the most recent cold glacial period, about 20,000 years ago, to the current warm interglacial period; the corresponding rate of decrease in surface ocean pH, driven by geological processes, was approximately 50 times slower than the current rate driven largely by fossil fuel burning.
It rose more than that going from the glacial period to the Younger Dryas (about 120 m), and may have risen about 24 m to 36 m from the Younger Dryas to the Holocene, but has only slowly varied during the Holocene, with variation less than 1 m over the last 6,000 y. I don't think NYC is in any danger.
I have also seen your comments on WUWT where I read about your ideas on the termination of the glacial periods from a low vegetation / high dust environment as a result of low CO2 levels at the glacial peaks, which seems very plausible to me.
Fortunately it normally occurs in very low concentration in the atmosphere — about 0.3 to 0.4 ppm during glacial periods and 0.6 to 0.7 ppm during warmer periods.
Only the 41,000 - year fluctuation is ubiquitous in this data set, in fact before about 800,000 years ago it dominates glacial changes, which leads to that period being called the «41kyr world» (Raymo, M.E., and Nisancioglu, K. 2003.
Further, there is firm evidence that migration of CO2 isn't important in the Vostok and Dome C ice cores over the past 800,000 years: each glacial / interglacial period shows the same ratio between temperature and CO2 changes: about 8 ppmv/degr.C.
Glacial periods last about 90,000 years.
Even back in the 70s, when there was some fear of eventual cooling bc the earth had been slowly cooling overall (as CO2 has slowly been reducing and going into the ground, until we suddenly reversed milllions and millions and millions of years in the process in an instant) and we are in an ice age and inter glacial period, papers predicting AGW outnumbered those worried about or predicting longer term cooling many times over.
Suess reported that the last glacial period had ended with a «relatively rapid» rise of temperature — about 1C (roughly 2F) per thousand years.
So during glacial periods, Earth has average temperature of about 10 C cooler than present temperatures.
The current era started about 15,000 years ago, following a very long glacial period.
During a glacial period, we'd be about 9F colder than today, which would be around 52F.
This fossilized coral reef was alive about 20,000 years ago, during the height of the last glacial period, a time when Earth was around 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) cooler than it is now, and the city of Chicago was buried beneath an ice sheet almost 2 miles (3 kilometers) thick.
The largest global - scale climate variations in Earth's recent geological past are the ice age cycles (see Learn about... the ice ages), which are cold glacial periods followed by shorter warm periods (see Figure 3).
[Also, just to give an idea of the change we are talking about, 5 degrees Celsius might not sound like much, but that is the difference in global average temperature between the coldest period of an ice age and the hottest period of a warm period or «interglacial» in the Earth's glacial history in the modern epoch.]
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