Sentences with phrase «glacial period when»

The sand was blown up onto the island during the last glacial period when the water levels were very low.
The researchers found that during glacial periods when the atmosphere was colder and sea ice was far more extensive, deep ocean waters came to the surface much further north of the Antarctic continent than they do today.
Arctic climatic extremes include 25 °C hyperthermal periods during the Paleocene - Eocene (56 — 46 million years ago, Ma), Quaternary glacial periods when thick ice shelves and sea ice cover rendered the Arctic Ocean nearly uninhabitable, seasonally sea - ice - free interglacials and abrupt climate reversals.

Not exact matches

According to scientists, this evolution may have taken place when the Iberian Peninsula became isolated due to one or several consecutive glacial periods.
Another thing that ice core showed, as others have before, is that the great swing in temperature between glacial and interglacial periods was invariably accompanied by great swings in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere: When the greenhouse goes up, the ice sheets go down.
In contrast, in slightly wetter parts of Mongolia the largest glaciers did date from the ice age but reached their maximum lengths tens of thousands of years earlier in the glacial period rather than at its culmination, around 20,000 years ago, when glaciers around most of the planet peaked.
The sediment cores used in this study cover a period when the planet went through many climate cycles driven by variations in Earth's orbit, from extreme glacial periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like tglacial periods such as the Last Glacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like tGlacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago, when massive ice sheets covered the northern parts of Europe and North America, to relatively warm interglacial periods with climates more like today's.
DNA in lake sediment forms a natural archive displaying when various fish species colonized lakes after the glacial period.
The tools were found beneath glacial deposits laid down during a period 450,000 years ago when the region was blanketed in ice, so they must be older than this.
«Conversely, there is more and better evidence across Iceland that when the ice sheet underwent major reduction at the end of the last glacial period, there was a large increase in both the frequency and volume of basalt erupted — with some estimates being 30 times higher than the present day.
It seems increasingly clear that D - O events must involve major sea ice changes (and there is not much sea ice left, by comparison with what was present during the glacial period (20000 + years ago, when these events happened), so D - O events are increasingly unlikely in the future).
Second, sub-stage 19c lies near the middle - Pleistocene, a time when the climate system appears to have been most clearly transitioning from smaller amplitude, shorter period, and more symmetric glacial cycles, to the larger, longer, and more saw - toothed glacial cycles of the late Pleistocene.
When the Earth is defensively in a glacial period, CO2 goes AWOL, it retreats.
Glacial periods give way to interglacials on some occasions when the Northern Hemisphere's summer solar insolation (the amount of solar radiation received by Earth's surface) increases alongside corresponding decreases in ice volume and increases in temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).
The Last Glacial Maximum is a period when ice sheets during the last northern hemisphere ice age were at their highest extent.
When feedback is positive, it most definitely may not linear... for if it was, we would never have gotten out of the last glacial period.
Carbon starvation, which apparently sometimes occurs during glacial periods due to the low levels of CO2 that are reached, has the same effect on C3 plants * trees, shrubs, and such) as do warm, dry conditions when the warm is excesaive.
«The question is again being discussed whether recent and long - continued observations do not point to the advent of a second glacial period, when the countries now basking in the fostering warmth of a tropical sun will ultimately give way to the perennial frost and snow of the polar regions.»
In addition to running climate models, the researchers compared modern warming to similar temperature increases that happened approximately 120,000 years ago in a period known as the Eemian, when global sea level was 5 to 9 meters (between 16 and 30 feet) higher than it is today due to the release of glacial water.
tempterrain — No, I don't know when the next glacial period is «due».
Even back in the 70s, when there was some fear of eventual cooling bc the earth had been slowly cooling overall (as CO2 has slowly been reducing and going into the ground, until we suddenly reversed milllions and millions and millions of years in the process in an instant) and we are in an ice age and inter glacial period, papers predicting AGW outnumbered those worried about or predicting longer term cooling many times over.
Last glacial maximum was the period in the history of the planet when ice sheets covered significant part of the Northern hemisphere.
This is the case in the Little Ice Age, when the lows of all three cycles took place in close succession, contributing to make this the coldest period in the Holocene, bringing it to the brink of triggering a glacial period.
As the worlds» oldest and most scrutinised instrumental temperature record it usefully covers much of the «Little Ice Age» when the most extensive recent glacial advances in the Holocene began, whilst numerous contemporary records make it possible to examine earlier periods in British climatic history.
This fossilized coral reef was alive about 20,000 years ago, during the height of the last glacial period, a time when Earth was around 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) cooler than it is now, and the city of Chicago was buried beneath an ice sheet almost 2 miles (3 kilometers) thick.
Rhetorically speaking, was glacial melt and SLR from warming «equally measured» in 150 year increments from 20k years ago at the end of the LIA to 10k years ago when the last glacier receded from New York; or did the velocity of SLR increase over this period as factors, like the before mentioned, accelerated the velocity of melt through the period?
Well drained and rocky substrate there creates a glade ecosystem where sloping ground can encourage the growth of prickly pear cacti and other desert and prairie species such as the collared lizard, Crotaphytus that last covered the whole area around 7,000 years ago in the Hypsithermal Interval, during the Holocene Period, when warming dried out much of the glacial Northern Hemisphere.
The glacial periods («winter») and interglacials («summer») would vary in length — again, on the scale of years to decades — and would appear random: the superposition of three different sine functions has an erratic pattern of peaks and troughs when you zoom in.
The melting of grounded polar ice causes the earth to slow down, but when the melting is over, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment causes LOD to decrease, and since the advent of the atomic clock — in the 50's — we have been in a period of slightly decreasing LOD — enough to more than offset the effect of tidal friction.
This is the period when data retrieved from glacial ice cores show the beginning of a growth in the atmospheric concentrations of several «greenhouse gases,» in particular CO2 and CH4.
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