Sentences with phrase «glacial times»

Could such variations occur not only in glacial times, but also in warm periods like the present?
By extrapolating from its radiative forcing in the current climate, we estimate that dust reduces precipitation during glacial times by as much as half the reduction due to the colder climate alone.
A comparison of this result with the observed pCO2 anomaly (42) and the residual from subtraction of this result from the anomaly shows that the lowest pCO2 values during the coldest glacial times stem from the dust − climate feedbacks considered here (Fig. 5A).
In addition, James Balog's awesome glacial time lapses shockingly state the speed of the impact of climate change on our frozen north,» says David Buckland, Cape Farewell founder and International Director.
Previous studies have shown that an essential part of the natural variability of our climate during glacial times is the repeated occurrence of abrupt climate transitions, known as Dansgaard - Oeschger events.
«We see processes that operate in the climate system that either don't operate in glacial times we've seen in the last 2 million years, or they operate very differently,» she said, citing the behavior of ice sheets as an example.
Even on the Siberian continental margin, where water temperatures are colder than the global average, and where the sediment column retains the cold imprint from its exposure to the atmosphere during the last glacial time 20,000 years ago, any methane hydrate must be buried under at least 200 m of water or sediment.
Antarctic ice core data show that CO2 concentration is low in the cold glacial times (~ 190 ppm), and high in the warm interglacials (~ 280 ppm); atmospheric CO2 follows temperature changes in Antarctica with a lag of some hundreds of years.
I used to have to know everything, right, if I wanted to access it in less than glacial time.
Limiting their analysis to the Oligocene — a glacial time period that lasted between roughly 34 million and 23 million years ago — the researchers found that global climate responds to slight changes in the amount of sunlight hitting Earth during shifts in its orbit between elliptical and circular.
Dr. Archer has worked on the ongoing mystery of the low atmospheric CO2 concentration during glacial time 20,000 years ago, and on the fate of fossil fuel CO2 on geologic time scales in the future, and its impact on future ice age cycles, ocean methane hydrate decomposition, and coral reefs.
The climate record obtained from two long Greenland ice cores reveals several brief climate oscillations during glacial time.
The venting of stored carbon led to a drop in average regional pH from the 8.3 during glacial times to a pH fluctuating between 8.1 and 8.2 during our current interglacial.
A number of river valleys, carved in glacial times, were drowned when the sea level rose, such as the Thames below London, San Francisco Bay, and Chesapeake Bay.
I have some experience in the area of control engineering and system modelling, so I am a bit confused, if you say that it is a weak forcing, albeit you mention that it should have a big effect due to larger scale and (compared to glacial times) instanteous impact.
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