Sentences with word «gladden»

As true and dedicated ones for that matter, nothing gladdens our heart than to see even non Muslims showing in practical terms true commitment towards ensuring peaceful coexistence between us and other religious groupings in this country, especially those aspiring to occupy the highest office of this land.
«Two things that might gladden hearts of young scientists are that in this economic environment, the president of the European Commission appointed a chief scientific adviser, so he regards science as crucial for the future of Europe.
At the present time, everyone has completely neglected the joy of gladden woman you are dating.
Who, you might wonder, is this man who gladdens the hearts of young librarians, middle - aged professors, and, I am told, droves of retirees?
I know that John Paul II takes a dimmer view of American society than would totally gladden my heart; and I must confess that I have felt a certain cold wind at my back as I listened to him caution people in Latin America who do not even yet own shoes against falling into the trap of materialism.
«Go, eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine with a merry heart» (9:7), not merely because «bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life» (10:19), but because «God has already approved what you do.»
With such a religion having a billion plus followers, I am somewhat dismayed yet gladdened as to this religion not making converts of the rest of us.
Nevertheless, (as far as I know), all commentators have interpreted the situation as a simple but embarrassing running out of that element which (in the words of the Psalmist) can so gladden the heart, precisely when the celebrations were still in full swing.
The vision of Catholics such as Peter Kreeft, Thomas Howard, and Ralph Martin witnessing for Christ among pagan Protestant university students gladdens my heart.
From the most learned a good oration fell in proud and gladdening words on every ear, and although it probably did not equal the eloquence of a Clay, an Everett, a Webster, or a Preston, it served to remind every Kentuckian present of the glorious name, the patriotism, the courage, and the virtue of our immortal Washington.
Before the Middle Ages it was steeped in wine to lift the spirits, and for this reason was commonly known as the «gladdening herb» [1].
«It further gladdens our heart to note the recent public position taken by the national leadership of the NBA against the Buhari's recent justification to his disobedience to court orders in Nigeria, particularly as it concerns the duo of Nnamdi Kanu and Sambo Dasuki.
«This victory gladdens our heart and we remain more committed in the fight against crimes and will continue to support the police and all security agencies in the onerous task of securing our dear Rivers State and her people.
Lal Krishna Advani, deputy prime minister of India and a strident Hindu leader, says the ASI report «gladdens crores [tens of millions] of devotees of Lord Rama.»
That some of the raw materials for the reactor are already available on the Red Planet certainly gladdened the heart of thrifty New Scientist.
Ladies of different sorts and ethnicity gladden one's eye.
on account of granted were dating on the other hand hold back gladden grandeur.
Kubrick fanatics will probably be the most gladdened at the participation of critic and Kubrick: The Definitive Edition author Michel Ciment, who goes full - tilt film studies in his 20 - minute conversation, picking Barry Lyndon apart like a mechanic dismantling an engine to show how it works, and its place of importance within the director's body of work.
If you haven't the will to gladden someone's heart, then at least beware lest you hurt someone's heart, for on our path, no sin exists but this.
I am gladdened not to hear other folks complaining.
Through it all, Gulley says, his aim is «to gladden people's hearts.
What gladdens the heart is to see the organically designed structure with its high rising alang alang roof, a symbol of how a beachside club can be as much a part of the tradition of environment loyalty as it can be towards modernity.
On this occasion, Christine Macel, from the Centre Pompidou in Paris, has come up with a notion that initially gladdens the heart — Viva Arte Viva, which translates roughly as «long live art».
Therefore make gladdening your child every day's top priority, and that will give him the best chance of getting into Harvard, not some silly test scores.
It is light, bright and joyful and must have just gladdened her heart.
Love knows no jealousy; love makes no parade, gives itself no airs, is never rude, never selfish, never irritated, never resentful; love is never glad when others go wrong, love is gladdened by goodness, always slow to expose, always eager to believe the best, always hopeful, always patient.
You may ask about other independent variables that mediate growth hormone, and nothing gladdens my heart like that question.
Just the sort of behavorial change that would gladden hearts around here.
Then, in 1949, Robert Abplanalp, a 27 - year - old machine - shop operator from the Bronx, gladdened the hearts of whipped - cream lovers everywhere by inventing a cheap, reliable aerosol - can valve that could be mass - produced.
Little miracles, for the people who see them, so they can be gladdened and made happy.
Similarly, the wine is valued not simply because it slakes one's thirst or increases physical vitality; it gladdens the «heart,» i.e., life itself (cf. Judg.
The bread will strengthen us, but the wine is to gladden our hearts and the oil to make our faces shine.
«If the great God, whose triumph is to gladden us on the glorious day of Easter, finds us humble and submissive, he will exalt us, yea, raise us up even to himself; if we confess our misery and poverty to him, he will enrich us, even to the full, with every blessing.»
Three verses sum up its perspective: «Thou dost cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth, and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread to strengthen man's heart.
The joy derived from their trusting contained power, power not only to gladden but also to heal and redeem.
Some men, as Jellinek once put it, began to use wine not to gladden the heart but to put to sleep the soul.
Give us wine: dark, blood - red cups of it so that our sagging hearts are gladdened and the gospel feast can continue.
For consider Whitehead's piece «An Appeal to Sanity,» which contains thoughts meant to gladden the heart of any classical liberal:
I list to the distant thunder's roar To the south of the mountains across the plain; And wish that my husband may come once more To gladden his home and his wife again.21
«That which is to follow,» he wrote, «represents many tedious, but gladdening, hours in the kitchen, not to mention countless pots of chili.»
It sharpens the wit, gladdens the heart, and stimulates all that is most generous in human nature.»
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