Sentences with phrase «glands so»

Females do not have scent glands so can live together.
Because males are territorial they generally fight however females do not have scent glands so can live together and considered more peaceful to one another.
If you're doing an ARL or TEI program based on your HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis), you simply need to let the program heal your adrenal glands so they produce sufficient amounts of all the hormones, including progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and a few others.
So in an ideal scenario, what you would do is you would have a little bit of coffee each day, mostly caffeinated other than those couple of weeks where you're switching to decaf but then you would switch farther and farther as you go on through your day to closer to bedtime, tea sources preferably like a high L theanine containing source of tea like green tea and you would kinda combine both of those that you're getting the ultimate and cognitive performance that coffee in the morning, the L theanine throughout the day, as kinda like a slow bleed as you're drinking your green tea and then every couple of weeks, you switch to decaf coffee but you can still continue to drink that green tea because that L theanine doesn't have the same effect on your adenosine receptors or on your adrenal glands so now you know everything you need to know about biohacking your life with coffee and tea.
The path that transforms healthy milk products into allergens and carcinogens begins with modern feeding methods that substitute high - protein, soy - based feeds for fresh green grass; and breeding methods to produce cows with abnormally large pituitary glands so that they produce three times more milk than the old fashioned scrub cow.
Except with onions, a chemical compound is what stimulates the eyes» glands so they release tears.
These ingredients aim to stimulate the pituitary gland so that it can improve its natural HGH production.
In the person with the right genetic susceptibility, there are triggers or root causes, that cause an immune system imbalance, which leads to nutrient deficiencies, many symptoms, and results in the destruction of the thyroid gland so it can no longer make enough thyroid hormones.
Few cars of this type stimulate your adrenal gland so immediately, but that's the AMG way.
are naturally smelly because of their scent gland so do not think they require constant grooming.
These tests will also enable your veterinarian to determine whether a tumor is located on the pituitary gland or on an adrenal gland so that an effective course of treatment can be instituted.
To reduce the chances for this condition, it is preferable to surgically reposition the tear - producing gland so that it can continue to function properly.

Not exact matches

But the idea of these sweet little gems must have struck some salivary glands, enough so that they'll be available in packs at the Tokyo specialty store for around $ 26 (3,000 yen).
Iodine is absorbed and used by the thyroid gland in the neck, so radioactive forms can concentrate there and promote cancer.
It was claimed that the mind which meditates the concept of evolution profoundly will find that nothing is left uncounted for... This can be done, the nervous system organised into the brain, the functions of the glands, the influence of the subconscious mind etc., all this and anything else one cares to add in qualification can take over the role of the so - called «spiritual in the personality of man.
Our fatigued bodies crave stimulant and, if there is no real fight on, our bodies persuade our minds to imagine one so that the glands may discharge the old fluid which used so swiftly to prepare our fathers for a fight.
I've just started eating xylitol, and the adrenal gland issues are new too, so I'm not really sure what triggers me yet (except caffeine, that really triggers me) it could just be a coincidence with the xylitol... we'll see with a little more time:)
«When the bitters hit your tongue, your salivary glands tell your digestive tract to release enzymes that help break down food so your body can absorb the nutrients,» she says.
So to clarify tonsillitis is when the glands in the throat become infected and full of puss, they swell, sometimes considerably restricting the airflow in the throat and you probably have a fever to boot due to the high level of markers in your blood.
He had to learn to keep his throat moist so he could breathe, because his salivary glands had also been removed in the surgery.
You don't want to disrupt these glands from doing their work, so just be careful to wash the breasts lightly.
The removal of a few glands doesn't affect your breast tissue or milk ducts, so it will not interfere with your ability to make breast milk or breastfeed if you decide to have another child.
There are few bottle warmers from Gland but the best so far is their Gland Electric Portable Baby Food and Bottle Warmer.
Babies who are teething are constantly chewing and sucking on objects to relieve pain, so any drooling you see is from salivary glands working overtime while your baby chews.
I ordered blessed thistle, and will be taking that in conjunction with fenugreek but I'd love to know if I have a gland issue so that I can make peace with the amount I have and not work so hard to increase my supply if it's not possible.
The excess chewing stimulates the salivary glands, so that's why teething babies may drool a lot.
Dolphin moms slow their swimming but do not stop during nursing, so the mammary glands are moving targets, made more challenging to find because they are recessed in the lower abdomen.
Finally, when women first stop taking the birth - control pill, their pituitary glands kick in with higher amounts of stimulation than usual, so the chance of conceiving twins is greater in the first month off the pill.
If you are seeing a nipple discharge and you are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended to visit the doctor so they can run some tests to make sure you do not have a mass or cyst in your milk ducts or on your pituitary gland.
If you are at a high risk of pre-labor - oxytocin is a hormone that is generated so as to ensure that the mammary glands release more milk.
To better understand their findings, the team examined the animal model for APS1 (i.e. mice with the same genetic defect as human patients with the syndrome) and found that male mice spontaneously developed an inflammatory disease in their prostate glands — a so - called prostatitis — and reacted to transglutaminase 4.
If the bombardier could evolve so complex a defense, it's not much of a stretch to imagine a dragon with venom glands filled with a gas that could ignite when released with just a bit of friction.
An example is the so - called 21 - hydroxylase deficiency, the most frequent form of the congenital syndrome there the adrenal glands produce excess androgens, which are male hormones.
However, 2 years ago, Terry Smith of the Harbor - University of California, Los Angeles, Medical Center in Torrance and colleagues discovered that in patients with Graves disease — an autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid gland and eyes — fibroblasts make chemokines when so - called immunoglobulin G antibodies in the blood activate a protein called the insulin - like growth factor 1 (IGF - 1) receptor.
By a sub-function of the adrenal gland, the so - called adrenal insufficiency, the production of the stress regulator decreases and the normal balance in the metabolism is disturbed.
The cause is now known to be an arenavirus, one of a class of rodent - borne pathogens, and its natural reservoir is a multimammate rat, so - called for its rows of mammary glands, that is ubiquitous across West Africa.
For people with this mutation, «the ridges don't even form to begin with, so that's going to interfere with sweat glands,» Reed says.
Thus, when there is a lot of blue light (as when the sun is overhead), this particular photoreceptor prompts the suprachiasmatic nucleus to tell the pineal gland not to make much melatonin, and so we stay awake.
One hypothesis goes that the weaklings might not have sufficient energy to stimulate the mammary gland while they suckle, so they eventually starve from a lack of nutrition.
What's more, glands don't have a whole lot of give, so if one is hit, it's going to absorb the whole force of the blow.
Real - life pheromones don't smell so nice, however: The specialized glands that produce these chemical compounds are located near the armpit, where they mix with sweat.
«The glands recover much faster than the liver when normal nutrition is resumed,» he writes, «so hormone levels soar unchecked.»
But we had no other cell line to go with, so we all agreed that we'd use these mammary - gland cells and just see what happened, gain some experience.
«All are mediated through the pituitary,» he said, so changes that happen during the later growth of the gland could have lasting effects.
Symptoms tend to appear when the gland becomes so large that it affects the tube that carries urine to the penis.
And if it's a really big animal, you can clearly see the toad's rough warty skin, big poison glands on its shoulders, bony ridges above its brows, and so forth.
The way we think, talk, act, remember, believe and function within a social society are all heavily influenced by the secretion of hormones from glands in the brain and body, which have been designed and refined over the course of human evolution to kick in when we need them, and deliver the beneficial effects that we all know so well.
D'uh of the year award, maybe, but the findings — including a link between stressed adrenal glands and salt cravings — aren't so futile if you use them to identify what's going on in your head and deal with it, well, head on.
Hormones get secreted from glands all over your body, but it is your liver that breaks down the hormones and makes them biologically active so they can go to work for you.
This, by no means, short list of responsibilities clearly illustrates why it is so important to keep our thyroid gland healthy.
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