Sentences with phrase «glandular development»

Insufficient glandular development.
So, there are likely some women with lactation trouble who are insulin resistant but have adequate glandular development, and others who are insulin resistant and have insufficient glandular development.
If we think about what we know to be true — that regular, cyclic exposure to progesterone is necessary for glandular development, it makes sense that excess leptin plus excess insulin might result in insufficient progesterone each month to stimulate glandular growth of the breasts, even if ovulation and regular menstrual cycles are occurring.
Through observation and study of over 1,000 mothers with lactation insufficiency, as well as a review of the available literature about glandular development and lactation, it becomes evident that the hormone insulin is a key player in this drama.
Because this condition is still largely under - researched and misunderstood by practitioners who work with mothers during the perinatal period, women who experience breastfeeding problems due to insufficient glandular development also struggle to find support, both clinical and emotional, in dealing with them.
As we continue to identify risk factors for lactation insufficiency (variations in infant oral anatomy, hypoplastic breast appearance or insufficient glandular development, high pre-pregnant body mass index, insulin resistance, other hormonal irregularities), it is extremely important that mothers, whether they believe they are «at risk» or not, identify appropriate breastfeeding support before their babies are born.
Insufficient Milk Supply It is very rare for a woman to be born with insufficient glandular development.
Lactation failure due to insufficient glandular development of the breast.

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Certainly we all acknowledge that puberty initiates growth in the female breasts, but many don't realize that pregnancy builds upon this growth with additional development of glandular tissue and branching of the milk ducts.
Some of these include: polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, postpartum haemorrhage, fragments of retained placenta (which fools he body into thinking it is still pregnant so affects levels of breastfeeding hormones) and rarely, insufficient glandular tissue («red flags» are a lack of breast development during puberty and pregnancy).
Lisa Marasco, IBCLC suggests that mothers with low milk supply caused by insufficient glandular tissue consider taking goat's rue, a herbal medicinal that supports the development of glandular tissue.
These researchers found that when receptors for insulin - like growth factor were decreased (such as, perhaps, when there was too much insulin - like growth factor circulating during adolescent breast development), the body adapted by making fewer receptors, resulting in fewer alveoli (milk - making sites in the breast — glandular tissue).
He has given glandular supplements to my daughter but so far this has not arrested her premature development.
In the luteal phase, progesterone differentiates the endometrial stroma, increases glandular secretions, and changes the pattern of uterine proteins to produce an environment supportive of early embryonic development.
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