Sentences with phrase «glandular problems»

Cat's with this problem usually have other glandular problems at the same time such as hyperthyroidism.
Overeating, over indulgence, gluttony, and being fat is bad... though I'm sure everyone will whine and cry and say they have glandular problems.
An evolving view suggests that adrenal fatigue is not a glandular problem, but rather a brain - stress problem.52 Early - life exposure to mercury also causes epigenetic damage to the HPA axis, which can dysregulate the stress response throughout life.

Not exact matches

The double European indoor and former world indoor champion over 60m had to contend with glandular fever, Achilles problems and an excruciating fracture to his finger which resulted from him accidentally trapping his hand in a door during 2017.
One of the hottest breastfeeding problem topics among mothers on the internet is insufficient glandular tissue, and many are making this self - diagnosis in the absence of other explanations.
But as many as five percent of all women have medical conditions that prevent or seriously hinder lactation (hypoplasia, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, insufficient glandular tissue, among others) and the lack of medical interventions and understanding sucks harder than a double electric breast pump.
It wasn't until several months later and lots of research on my part that I finally came to the conclusion that my breastfeeding problems were most likely due to insufficient glandular tissue.
I found the most obscure link on KellyMom about insufficient glandular tissue and I knew it was my problem, but since nobody ever else ever heard of it, I felt like it was such a cliche, people just assumed I gave up, never tried hard enough, took the easy way out, etc....
Insufficient glandular tissue, hormonal issues, thyroid problems, and other medical issues can threaten milk supply, according to
Because this condition is still largely under - researched and misunderstood by practitioners who work with mothers during the perinatal period, women who experience breastfeeding problems due to insufficient glandular development also struggle to find support, both clinical and emotional, in dealing with them.
Unless somebody has a problem with insufficient glandular tissue or some other hormonal issue.
The husks of Black Walnut species may be beneficial for internal use in the treatment of glandular disorders including thyroid problems.
Collapse or profound weakness These can be symptoms of major problems such as internal bleeding (particularly a syndrome called hemoabdomen), cardiac compromise due to a condition called pericardial effusion, anaphylactic shock, certain poisonings, a glandular condition called Addison's disease, and some types of organ failure.
Veterinarians and holistic practitioners often use whole food concentrates while employing glandular therapies for degenerative disorders and immune system problems in lieu of conventional drug treatments.
The glandular called Albaplex works well in conjunction to clear the problem.
He could have an endocrine (glandular) problem, such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's disease, or even some sort of immunosuppressive problem.
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