Sentences with phrase «glaring inconsistency»

The phrase "glaring inconsistency" means a noticeable and obvious contradiction or discrepancy. Full definition
The film should have done a better job in the entertainment department to keep me from noticing (or caring) about such glaring inconsistencies in logic or history.
We can have no faith in the validity of the system when such glaring inconsistencies both of purpose and outcome are emerging.
There were many glaring inconsistencies and even contradictions that I found and was also informed of.
Looking at the «bore hole», it seems to contain mostly comments from skeptics, especially when they point out glaring inconsistencies with CAGW «science» that can not otherwise be addressed without capitulating or looking foolish.
Leaving out the adjustments of the sites with the most glaring inconsistencies brings the average HQ trend back to the raw data trend of about 0.8 degrees C / 100 years.
I realized we could do a similar thing for the double - checking process at the end, and it was really brought home to me when I was beta - reading a book for a friend and I found glaring inconsistencies throughout.
There are several glaring inconsistencies in The Darkest Hour, the most prominent being a character that apparently only speaks Russian and needs someone to translate until ten minutes later when he engages in a highly technical conversation in English.
If there's one big drawback to Freedom Planet, it's that it boasts a rather glaring inconsistency in the difficulty between the levels and boss fights.
how DARE you lucidly point out glaring inconsistencies in the bible!!!
In the other camp we have the Sim driving fans, who will appreciate the driving mechanics, but at the same time find glaring inconsistencies and overcompensation in components such as turning, accelerating and drifting.
After all, I'm sort of asking to be labeled «CONSPIRACY THEORIST» if I point out any glaring inconsistencies in mainstream media.
No amount of logical gymnastics, and the religious do take them to Olympic levels to try and defend the indefensible, can fully explain away all of the glaring inconsistencies in creationism.
A glaring inconsistency.
Since you're schooled in hermeneutics as well, how about we walk through one of these «glaring inconsistencies» and apply those skills?
Ironically though, these same people who spend some much time studying the literal interpretations of the bible are the first to ignore its glaring inconsistencies and most only focus on the final 1611 compilation ignoring the inconvenient texts that were left out.
In fact, we even found ways to make these glaring inconsistencies and contradictions work in our favor.
Any particular level is largely consistent; the glaring inconsistencies occur between levels.
It is interesting that the Rallings and Thrasher statistics throw up some glaring inconsistencies with the alternative calculations carried out by Electoral Calculus.
Glaring inconsistency?
One way is that it is annoying that there are glaring inconsistencies between the Brody siblings, Michael and Sean, their career paths, and their fears about going into the ocean.
The device of using a child's narration to describe something he can not understand, but that is perfectly clear to the adult readers, is a clever one, but some glaring inconsistencies make this story less credible than it could have been, and perhaps detract from its strength.
Aside from the issues in conveying the story, there are some glaring inconsistencies, such as the invasion being alluded to being widespread yet much of the game treats your actions as if it's a covert affair and the suspension of disbelief necessary to accept the games explanation that everything was subsequently covered up at the end is ludicrous, considering the scale of everything that has come before.
Robert Stavins, a Harvard economist focused on energy and climate, wrote a short piece for The Times listing the many steps Trump can take to undo Obama's administrative steps, but noted a glaring inconsistency in Trump's own pledges:
Instead, the one glaring inconsistency was in the high - frequency variations, specifically, the cooling response to the largest few tropical eruptions, AD 1258/1259, 1452/1453 and the 1809 +1815 double pulse of eruptions, which is sharpy reduced in the reconstruction relative to the model predictions.
As far as convincing the people who won't believe anything that Al Gore has to say... we could use better basic science education in this country, as well as more journalists with at least some scientific training — enough to allow them to point out the glaring inconsistencies in the climate denialist's arguments, at least.
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