Sentences with phrase «glassy rocks»

In fact, a popular activity at the Trinity open house is searching for Trinitite, emerald - colored glassy rocks formed from sand caught up in the firestorm of the nuclear blast — in essence, shards of fallout.
The results could also provide a more conventional explanation for strange, glassy rocks found at some sites in South Australia and on the Pampas of Argentina.
Morgan and University of Liverpool archaeologist Natalie Uomini arrived at their conclusions by conducting a series of experiments in teaching contemporary humans the art of «Oldowan stone - knapping,» in which butchering «flakes» are created by hammering a hard rock against certain volcanic or glassy rocks, like basalt or flint.
Researchers found jagged, glassy rock fragments spread out over a 10 square kilometer (4 square mile) area around a series of small volcanic craters about 4,000 meters (2.5 miles) below the sea surface.

Not exact matches

As one scientist interviewed said, he «should be finding layers of glassy droplets and fused rock in sea - core samples, the sorts of things we find at all other similar impact sites.»
One look at its glassy fa √ ßade and redwood trimming would tell you that the Seal Rock is another of the thousands of modern, aseptic motels that are as frequent as empty beer cans along the highways of the South and West, and it is in just such places that the professional golfers and their families like to bed down when their tour hits town.
Brier took the term to mean obsidian — a glassy black volcanic rock that can be flaked to a razor's edge.
The simulated lightning bolt also generated a glassy veneer on the rock up to 9 centimeters or so from where the bolt struck, a so - called fulgurite (fulgur is Latin for lightning) that serves as a sign to geologists that rocks have been zapped.
Whiffs of chemicals found in rocket fuel, a dark pyramid that resembles rare volcanic rocks on Earth and glassy particles bearing traces of water are among the Curiosity rover's finds in its first chemical investigation of Martian dirt.
To make a case for the impact, Melosh says, Abbott «should be finding layers of glassy droplets and fused rock in sea - core samples, the sorts of things we find at all other similar impact sites.»
They found glassy minerals with a disorganized crystalline structure characteristic of violently smashed and internally rearranged rocks.
At both sites, they found a sparse sprinkling of cryptotephra, microscopic particles of glassy volcanic rock.
In 2008 Saal analyzed glassy volcanic rocks from the Apollo missions to see what they would reveal about the moon's interior.
The lava erupted explosively in shallow waters producing large volumes of a glassy pyroclastic rock called hyaloclastite.
The sediment contained iridium and glassy debris that formed from rock vaporized by the impact.
I have baked in 3 layers of it so far, and it is already glassy - smooth and hard as a rock!
If the picture's anything, it's just a worn rock skipping along a smooth, glassy surface.
The landscape is irresistibly beautiful with lush forests, 3000m high mountain peaks, magically coloured rock faces and glassy snow on the slopes that provide a memorable setting for unforgettable winter holidays.
Besides that, hiding on a rock hosting Glassy Sweepers, was a Wobbegong Shark!
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