Sentences with phrase «glassy volcanic»

In 2008 Saal analyzed glassy volcanic rocks from the Apollo missions to see what they would reveal about the moon's interior.
At both sites, they found a sparse sprinkling of cryptotephra, microscopic particles of glassy volcanic rock.
They incorporated three basic ingredients in a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide: mycelium mushroom roots; perlite, a glassy volcanic mineral used by farmers to aerate soil; and recycled paper.

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Brier took the term to mean obsidian — a glassy black volcanic rock that can be flaked to a razor's edge.
Morgan and University of Liverpool archaeologist Natalie Uomini arrived at their conclusions by conducting a series of experiments in teaching contemporary humans the art of «Oldowan stone - knapping,» in which butchering «flakes» are created by hammering a hard rock against certain volcanic or glassy rocks, like basalt or flint.
Whiffs of chemicals found in rocket fuel, a dark pyramid that resembles rare volcanic rocks on Earth and glassy particles bearing traces of water are among the Curiosity rover's finds in its first chemical investigation of Martian dirt.
The fossilised trunk obtained from Xinjiang was huge and perfectly preserved in glassy silica as a result of volcanic sediments, allowing us to observe every single cell of the plant,» Dr Berry continued.
Researchers found jagged, glassy rock fragments spread out over a 10 square kilometer (4 square mile) area around a series of small volcanic craters about 4,000 meters (2.5 miles) below the sea surface.
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