Sentences with phrase «global bleaching event»

Between 2014 and 2016, the world witnessed the longest global bleaching event ever recorded, which killed coral on an unprecedented scale.
This event has seen one of the longest global bleaching events ever recorded, according to experts.
This is the third such global bleaching event in 17 years, NOAA notes.
«It's time to shift this conversation to what can be done to conserve these amazing organisms in the face of this unprecedented global bleaching event,» said Jennifer Koss, NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program director.
Last year, a turbo - charged El Niño event warmed the oceans, causing the third global bleaching event on record.
The first global bleaching event occurred during the 1997 - 1998 El Niño and killed a whopping 18 percent of corals across the planet.
A similar global bleaching event in 1998 - 1999 destroyed 15 percent of the world's coral reefs.
«With the third global bleaching event underway, it has never been more urgent to understand the limits of coral thermal tolerance in corals,» says Professor McCulloch.
These observations confirmed predictions made by NOAA, giving the agency confidence in its forecast of a much bigger global bleaching event brought about by El Niño.
Last week, scientists reported that half of Hawaii's coral reefs suffered serious bleaching in 2014 and 2015 as part of an ongoing, three - year global bleaching event that researchers are still trying to get a handle on.
But today, reefs are suffering through the third global bleaching event since 1998.
Following global average temperature records set in 2014, 2015, January, February and March, coral reefs from Florida to India have been devastated by the third mass global bleaching event recorded.
«Unlike past global bleaching events (in 1998 and 2010) that lasted less than twelve months, this event is in its 33rd month and shows no sign of stopping,» Eakin said.
The mass mortality event at Christmas Island is believed to be one of the worst casualties of the ongoing global bleaching event.
The full toll of the current global bleaching event has not yet been determined.
All recent global bleaching events have been driven by El Nino events.
«It's time to shift this conversation to what can be done to conserve these amazing organisms in the face of this unprecedented global bleaching event,» says Jennifer Koss, coral reef conservation programme director at the NOAA.
By some measures it's the longest global bleaching event in history and, on the Great Barrier Reef, it's definitely the worst.
The first global bleaching event was in 1998 and the second in 2010, both in years marked by El Niños, the periodic climate phenomenon in the Pacific.
Between 2014 and 2016, the world witnessed the longest global bleaching event ever recorded, which killed coral on an unprecedented scale.
«Coral mortality during the third global bleaching event has been among the worst ever observed,» the report states.
How much will be left after this global bleaching event?
One of these events, a global bleaching event that began in 2014 and affected at least 70 percent of the world's reefs, just ended last year.
«This is the longest global bleaching event we've ever recorded.»
This week, the global bleaching event is on the minds of the world's top coral reef experts as they gather for the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium in Honolulu where the focus is bridging science to policy to achieve coral reef sustainability.
As part of a project documenting the global bleaching event, he had surveyed Lizard Island, which sits about 90 km north of Cooktown in far north Queensland, when it was in full glorious health; then just as it started bleaching this year; then finally a few weeks after the bleaching began.
Three global bleaching events have taken place since the 1980s, including one that is going on right now, as a result of climate change increasing acidity levels and temperatures in the world's oceans.
The Pacific Ocean has been the epicenter of the global bleaching event and Christmas Island has been the tiny bullseye of that epicenter.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declared a global bleaching event, making this only the third such crisis in recorded history.
According to Mark Eakin, coordinator of Coral Reef Watch, the current bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef is part of a global bleaching event that started in June 2014 and has been ongoing.
At that time the 1982 event was described as «the most widespread coral bleaching and mortality in recorded history» but today there is debate about whether it and the 1987 events» severity was bad enough to count as a true «global bleaching event».
Nick Graham from James Cook University showed last year that almost 60 % of reefs in the Seychelles recovered after they lost 90 % of their coral following the 1998 global bleaching event.
inety nine percent of 500 coral reefs surveyed in the Australian Great Barrier Reef's pristine north are being hit by a global bleaching event that's already slammed reefs in the...
As part of a project documenting the global bleaching event, he had surveyed Lizard Island, which sits about 90 km north of Cooktown in far north Queensland, when it was in full glorious health; then just as it started bleaching this year; then finally a few weeks after the bleaching began.
«It's time to shift this conversation to what can be done to conserve these amazing organisms in the face of this unprecedented global bleaching event,» says Jennifer Koss, coral reef conservation programme director at the NOAA.
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