Sentences with phrase «global carbon dioxide emissions»

Hence, the rate of global carbon dioxide emissions continues to accelerate.
However, global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and cement production have continued to grow by 2.5 per cent per year, on average, in the past decade.
This is the same order of magnitude as global carbon dioxide emissions in 2012 from fossil fuel burning, the paper notes.
The carbon cost of such expansion, however, is low: to bring electricity to those without it would increase global carbon dioxide emissions by less than 1 percent.
The frustration felt all around the world at the inability to agree a meaningful deal on global carbon dioxide emission leaves people looking for alternatives.
Under this projection, global carbon dioxide emissions increase by 70 percent; see figure 1.
Total global carbon dioxide emissions could see a boost as flight times increase in the stronger winds.
In 1990, developing countries accounted for 35 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, but in 2011 this was 58 percent.
Global carbon dioxide emissions from human activities and specifically from fossil fuels will reach record highs by the end of the year.
«Recent advances in understanding coral resilience are essential to safeguard coral reefs: A review of the literature points to the importance of reducing global carbon dioxide emissions in addition to protecting or augmenting resilience mechanisms in the face of increased frequency of climate change impacts..»
That figure may seem like small potatoes when global carbon dioxide emissions last year approached 36 billion tons (with a carbon content of about 9.8 billion tons).
(05/29/2012) Last year global carbon dioxide emissions rose 3.2 percent to a new record of 31.6 gigatons, keeping the planet on track to suffer dangerous climate change, which could propel global crop failures, sea level rise, worsening extreme weather, and mass extinction.
At the recent G8 summit in Germany, the US agreed — along with Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Japan, Canada, Russia and the European Union — to aim to at least halve global carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 under a UN framework.
Separately, provisional International Energy Agency estimates, reported by the Financial Times on 12 March, suggest global carbon dioxide emissions stalled in 2014.
When asked if Climeworks is participating in a morally hazardous climate strategy, Gebald said that scientists are certain that global warming can only be addressed if global carbon dioxide emissions drop to zero.
According to the Global Carbon Project team [i], global carbon dioxide emissions dropped by 1.3 percent in 2009 from 2008 levels...
Global carbon dioxide emissions continue to track the high end of a range of emission scenarios, expanding the gap between current emission trends and the emission pathway required to keep the global - average temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius.
As we recently reported in Nature Climate Change, significantly expanding sugarcane or lipidcane production in Brazil could reduce current global carbon dioxide emissions by up to 5.6 percent.
Put another way, the hunting and poaching of tropical animals could change the face of rainforests such as the Amazon, diminishing their ability to store global carbon dioxide emissions by up to 20 percent.
Once global carbon dioxide emissions had been reduced to zero, some combination of atmospheric decay and carbon dioxide extraction, probably partially offset by some level of carbon dioxide re-release from the worlds oceans, might possibly reduce the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration to comply with the NAAQS.
Global carbon dioxide emissions hit a record high in 2011, led by China, the International Energy Agency said in May.
«Peatlands in Malaysia and Indonesia store around 70 gigatons of carbon — if all of this were oxidized, it would be equivalent to seven years of total global carbon dioxide emissions at the current rate.»
If global carbon dioxide emissions peaked by 2015 and fell to 50 - 85 % of 2000 levels by 2050, greenhouse gas levels would stabilize at 445 - 490 parts per million (ppm).
Carbon dioxide emissions outside of North America, Europe, and China increase by about 35 percent between 2016 and 2040 with their share of global carbon dioxide emissions reaching 50 percent by 2040.
Exxon Mobil expects global carbon dioxide emissions to peak by 2040 at about 10 percent above 2016 levels.
Describe the global distribution of carbon emissions Explain the reasons for the high proportion of global carbon dioxide emissions for one country shown on the carbon emissions map.
Scientists say it is urgent that policy makers halve global carbon dioxide emissions over the next 50 years or risk triggering changes that could be irreversible.
Annual global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels could drop slightly in 2015, according to a report from the Global Carbon Project led by a Stanford University researcher.
All in, these new powertrain components should reduce global carbon dioxide emissions from Toyota vehicles by more than 18 percent.
Even if the ambitious targets of the world's biggest economies are met, and internal combustion engines give way to electric or other zero - emission vehicles by 2040, the total impact on global carbon dioxide emissions will be minimal, according to a new study released Tuesday.
A massive expansion of land use for sugar cane growth in Brazil, and a subsequent increase in ethanol production with the feedstock could reduce global carbon dioxide emissions in the transportation sector by up to 86 percent of 2014 levels, according to research published in the October issue of the journal Nature Climate Change.
Those emissions are dwarfed by others sources on the global scale, such as cars and power plants, amounting to just 5 percent of total global carbon dioxide emissions.
Their analysis of the loopholes (see «The problem with voluntary targets ``, below) suggests global carbon dioxide emissions in 2020 could soar above the widely quoted 55 billion tonnes.
That growth in coal consumption was the primary driver of the record levels of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2011, causing a leading energy economist to worry that «the door to a 2 °C trajectory is about to close.»
Global carbon dioxide emissions increased by almost 40 percent between 2000 and 2016, despite a decline of about 10 percent in Europe and North America.
If you bundle up all the Pacific countries, they contribute 0.03 % of global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, according to a study cited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
And the fact that global carbon dioxide emissions last year rose by a record amount to almost 31 billion tonnes is neither here nor there.»
Americans will have to pay much higher electricity prices despite the minuscule benefits of the Clean Power Plan, which reduces global carbon dioxide emissions by less than 1 percent and global temperatures by 0.02 degrees Celsius by 2100, according to EPA's own models.
The oil and gas industry and its products account for half of global carbon dioxide emissions.
BP projects that global carbon dioxide emissions will rise by 29 percent by 2035 as part of a 41 percent overall increase in global energy consumption — virtually all of it from developing economies.
Pollution is a concern too: Shipping is responsible for 3 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, similar to the airline industry, along with substantial particulates and sulfur dioxide.
If nations hit their reduction targets, global carbon dioxide emissions would level off, even as electricity demand continues to rise.
Global carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels will rise to a record 36 billion metric tons (39.683 billion tons) this year, a report by 49 researchers from 10 countries said, showing the failure of governments to rein in the main greenhouse gas blamed for global warming.
It is now clear that rising sea surface temperatures as a result of global climate change are responsible for increasingly frequent coral bleaching events, and that rapid reduction of global carbon dioxide emissions is essential to conserve coral reefs into the future.
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