Sentences with phrase «global climate trends»

Their research shows that during the past 32 years there have been widespread increases in both plant growth and evaporation due to recent global climate trends.
Given our available evidence — it points to our activity influencing global climate trends.
The latest online column from Richard Black of the BBC demonstrates why he's at the top of the heap among those of us trying to make sense of global climate trends and diplomacy.
Centuries - old temperature records help piece together global climate trends.
The possible two - year gap in coverage due to the delayed launch of the JPSS, says Trenberth, will cause critical discontinuity in observational records vital for monitoring global climate trends.
But this stocktake of countries» contributions did yield some insights into shifting global climate trends.
-- reported just last month that the UAH data shows a «Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978 [of] +0.12 + C [0.22 + F] per decade.».
Karl, T., Vinnikov, K., and Bradley, R.S., 1990: Recent global climate trends.
The oceans may be warming and air temperatures rising, but in recent days Iceland has bucked the global climate trend.
[G] etting the [monsoon] forecast right remains a challenge, thanks to the complex — and still poorly understood — ways in which South Asia's monsoon rains are influenced by everything from atmospheric and ocean temperatures to air quality and global climate trends.
Averaging trends from from different regions to get some idea of the global climate trend actually has some validity.
Although last month was «the fifth warmest September in the satellite record» due to the effects of a «monster El Nino», «the global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.11 C per decade,» according to the latest report from the University of Alabama / Huntsville's Earth System Science Center, which monitors advanced microwave sounding units installed on NOAA and NASA satellites.
If you average across the field, central tendency gives you a regional / global climate trend.
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