Sentences with phrase «global cooling arguments»

Global warming and global cooling arguments have this in common — the scientific quest to dominate nature.
The global cooling argument is hitting hard again right now due to the recent chill.

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Numerous denier arguments involving slight fluctuations in the global distribution of warmer vs cooler sea surface areas as supposed explanations of climate change neglect all the energy that goes into ocean heat content, melting large ice deposits and so forth.
The obvious answer (from someone who is indeed receptive to arguments for lower - than - consensus climate sensitivities) is that it was on a par with recent hot years because temperatures at US latitudes of the globe really weren't as much cooler in the 1930s / 1940s (compared to the present) than GISS / Hadley's best estimates (from often sketchy global coverage) suggest.
This argument shows that a permanent El Nino would have a different effect on global temperature than a transient one, since all that newly exposed warm water would eventually cool off.
As for your question about hurricanes, the argument given for the global mean hydrological cycle doesn't apply to the hurricane because the global mean argument assumes an equilibrium between radiative cooling and latent heat release.
The Nature commentary by Penner et al. on which this argument is based actually says that on top of the global warming caused by carbon dioxide, other short - lived pollutants (such as methane and black carbon) cause an additional warming approximately 65 % as much as CO2, and other short - lived pollutants (such as aerosols) also cause some cooling.
This line of argument is unpersuasive for two important reasons: First, the admittedly less reliable ground - based mercury temperature readings from the mid-1940s through the late 1970s reported global cooling during the three decades immediately prior to the satellite era.
Newsweek Magazine first used the climate «tipping point» argument in 1975 to urge action to prevent man - made global cooling.
Judith said:» The key argument in their paper is that an increase in coal burning (primarily in China) has increased atmospheric sulfate concentration with a resulting global cooling effect.»
They will no doubt spout the same old arguments like: «I remember when global cooling was all anyone would talk about.»
It's not a simple matter of global temperature — I hope it's now clear that no simple - minded argument in favor of more global warming (to «avoid cooling,» or «increase agricultural productivity») should be taken seriously.
Even more, it was fabulous to away another of their favorite argument myths that they were using against me at the meetings that scientists in the 1970s were proclaiming global cooling, not global warming.
From Stock & Land Australia — The sudden change of focus from global warming to global cooling by leading environment group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) demonstrates the lack of substance to the argument that manmade carbon emissions are responsible for global warming, according to Senator Boswell.
Australia — The sudden change of focus from global warming to global cooling by leading environment group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) demonstrates the lack of substance to the argument that manmade carbon emissions are responsible for global warming, according to Senator Boswell.
This post is the Basic version (written by Graham Wayne) of the skeptic argument «Does ocean cooling prove global warming has ended?».
Professor Mark Steyn just over five years ago:... «If you mean the argument on «global warming,» my general line is this: For the last century, we've had ever - so - slight warming trends and ever - so - slight cooling trends every 30 years or so, and I don't think either are anything worth collapsing the global economy over... «Then from 1940 to 1970 there was a slight cooling trend.
Randomly mentioning the stratosphere cooling is a far, far, FAR cry from even approaching the viscinity of a claim you believe the earth has trapped: for years — so much heat from the sun that the stratosphere stopped being warmed due to the thermal disconnect at the tropopause — that IS what Magic Gas's claim boils down to — that the lower atmosphere is somehow «hiding» such massive amounts of energy the fact you think it's credible on it's face is aNOTHer indicator which end of the global warming argument pool, you're at, Don.
Assuming for the sake of the argument that this swing was caused by a fall in global temperatures and using the median carbon cycle sensitivity value from the Frank et al. recent Nature letter, a 1.03 C global cooling would be implied.
There is, for instance, an active argument about whether northern Europe will be cooler under global warming, and if so, by how much.
The argument is that global warming has reversed and we're now undergoing global cooling.
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