Sentences with phrase «global decline»

The observations and model evidence cited above provide grounds for concern that aquatic production, including fisheries production, will suffer regional and possibly global decline and that this has already begun.
According to him, many countries specifically Saudi Arabia and Nigeria have suffered in the face of global decline in oil prices but Ghana remains resilient due to prudent economic decisions.
«The rapid global decline in ozone - depleting substances shows that we can make positive change when we act decisively.
The long - term global declines observed here are, however, unequivocal.
The IEA predicts a long plateau and a very modest global decline rate.
Still, despite the media - driven perception, war and conflict is in steady global decline as the economies of the world become more closely intertwined.
The IEA said global declines are «equivalent to losing the current output of Iraq from the global balance every two years».
Terpenes from seaweed are almost certainly not the only reason for the mysterious global decline of corals, says Jennifer Smith, a marine ecologist at the University of California, San Diego.
The research paper, «Illegal killing for ivory drives global decline in African elephants,» is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In 200 years, Earth could see a 20 percent global decline in fishery yields, with a 60 percent decline in the North Atlantic.
The United Nations Population Division has updated its population forecasts through 2050, and concludes that, despite a longstanding global decline in fertility rates, the world is still on a path to exceed 9 billion people by mid-century, with the vast majority of the increase coming in the world's poorest countries.
As is typical with many new findings published in leading scientific journals, our work documenting global declines in marine phytoplankton has been subjected to further scrutiny by the scientific community.
If one frames the question differently, and asks whether there is any known physical climate mechanism that might have caused such a precipitous global decline over the last century, the answer would be definitively «No».
There have already been significant global declines and even the extinctions of some amphibian species due to a similar species of fungus, called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd).
Predictions of an intensification of malaria in a warmer world, based on extrapolated empirical relationships or biological mechanisms, must be set against a context of a century of warming that has seen marked global declines in the disease and a substantial weakening of the global correlation between malaria endemicity and climate.
New data published Monday by a global team of researchers show that sharp declines in Chinese coal burning and a continued surge of renewable energy worldwide may have contributed to the first - ever global decline in emissions during a year when the overall global economy grew.
All coastal engineering communities support intense metabolic processes, including high primary production, respiration and calcification rates, thereby affecting CO2, CO3 −, and alkalinity concentrations and surface water pH. However, many metabolically intense coastal habitats are experiencing global declines in their abundance at rates in excess of 1 % per year (Duarte et al. 2008; Ermgassen et al. 2013).
A new laboratory experiment is the first to link flame retardants to immune system problems in frogs, and adds to evidence that pollutants may contribute to global declines of their populations.
Yet with seagrass habitats suffering rapid global decline and despite the plant's huge potential; there are currently no functioning seagrass restoration or conservation projects.
They said that although there were variations in some areas due to regional climate and coastal run - off, the long - term global decline was «unequivocal».
When the company reported earnings last week, 2014 became the first year since 2002 that the fast - food behemoth suffered a global decline in sales at outlets open for at least a year.
Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief Trending Story: Discovery Shows Wine Grapes Gasping for Breath University of Adelaide researchers have discovered how grapes «breathe,» and report that shortage of oxygen leads to cell death in the grape... Today's News: Global Decline in Per Capita Alcohol Consumption as Change Sweeps Wine World Disruption is the new -LSB-...]
With the trick or treaters having been and gone for another year, new research suggests that Halloween treats such as chocolate confectionery, gum and sugar confectionery have seen a global decline in consumption over the last few years.
A study led by UNC - Chapel Hill researchers has found evidence of a global decline in activity level.
The global decline in breastfeeding and the subsequent ascent of «commerciogenic malnutrition» has been attributed in part to the aggressive marketing of breastmilk substitutes by the babymilk and babyfood industry1.
The global decline of smoking have many positive health impacts, but also brought negative economic consequences to tobacco farmers, many of whom are in developing nations.
«There are no experimental field data so far showing that these products are responsible for the global decline in bee populations,» Desneux says.
Since then, the issue has been hotly debated, and recent research has pointed to geographic differences rather than a uniform, global decline.
«I think there is good evidence that oxygen levels are declining already due to warming, and there aren't any natural patterns that would lead to global decline,» he said.
Other papers in the same issue suggest that the global decline of coral reefs is more widespread and began much earlier than researchers once believed.
A 2010 study in Biology Letters found some worrying evidence of a global decline in snakes, possible related to habitat deterioration, lack of prey and, maybe, climate change.
A team of biologists suspects that a previously unknown fungus may be at least partly responsible for the global decline of frogs.
Thank you for a great article on the global decline in religious belief.
A decline in the Russian oil industry in the 1990s contributed to a global decline in methane emissions which continued until the early 2000's.
«That's alarming, and suggests that global declines in pollinators could have a bigger impact on flowering plants and food crops than was previously realized.»
The findings, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest that concentrations of chemicals considered safe for humans can have insidious effects on amphibians and could be contributing to the global decline in their populations.
Global declines in oceanic nitrification rates as a consequence of ocean acidification.
Bullet - Point Summary: There has been a global decline in global hurricane frequency and intensity during the past 25 years.
Lack of ideal thyroid hormone function leads to a global decline in cellular functionality in all bodily systems.
In recent years, sales of Mitsubishi vehicles have been on a global decline.
We are already seeing a global decline in e-book sales, and this is again attributed to indie authors and people losing their trust in e-books.
So you're thinking that the «global decline in e-book sales» is the fault of indie authors and not a reflection of large publishers setting e-book prices such that they are MORE than the price of print books?
This could be a minor blip, or the beginning a long - term global decline.
He noted the global decline of DB pensions and the growing concern of policy makers that future retirees will no longer have access to the low - cost efficient longevity - pooling schemes that are the actuarial backbone of DB plans.
Original post Last summer, a paper published in Nature, «Global phytoplankton decline over the past century,» caught the attention of climate campaigners and some media outlets because it concluded that warming of the seas over the last century was linked with a big and near - global decline in oceanic phytoplankton.
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