Sentences with phrase «global economic system»

Now is the time to draw up a master plan for sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all resources and a new global economic system.
It's a massive job to change the entire global economic system.
Unfortunately, the priorities held by our politicians and the current global economic system lie elsewhere.
Hence, part of the task of white process theologians is to complement the work of Black (and other liberation) theologies by engaging in theory - critique and proposing alternative directions for global economic systems.
Capitalism is on its way out and troublesome rule by big banks is becoming the dominant global economic system, an analyst warns.
«We discuss the US balance of payments trade deficit which creates US credit to finance the US national debt and war abroad; Russian economic shock therapy as the final stage of the cold war; the real estate bubble; permanent war and the inevitable collapse of the current US dominated global economic system
After the election of Donald Trump as President, one of the cornerstones of the modern global economic system is being questioned.
«Connecticut, like states all across this nation is looking for how to ensure that our children receive the knowledge and skills they need in order to succeed in today's increasing complex global economic system.
When faced with a giant, entrenched systems, like the Catholic Church or Wall Street, Congress or a flawed global economic system, it's not difficult to spot things we disagree with or think are wrong, but few of us have the intelligence to understand the full context of a moment, as well as the desire or ability to pull together the right ideas in a way that sparks a movement of change.
NEW YORK (MainStreet)-- Capitalism is on its way out and «bankism» is fast becoming the dominant global economic system, the Trends Research Institute warns.
Now, New Labour is the party of regulation and a new global economic system.
As Quinto analyzes the data, he discovers that the company is severely overleveraged, and if market trends curve even slightly in the wrong direction, the health of the firm — and the entire global economic system — could be in jeopardy.
Also, while consumer debt is falling and corporate debt is not yet at crisis levels, keep in mind that government debt has skyrocketed — ironically, as a response to slow growth in the global economic system.
Welcome to the sharing economy, just one part of an overarching collaborative ethos that is fundamentally revolutionizing not only our global economic system, but also our lives and our communities.
Financial liberalization is essential for any country that wishes to participate fully in the global economic system.
It was determined that cryptocurrency should be classified as an asset, not a currency or security, and it was questioned how much of a risk the new technology poses to the global economic system.
A large number of people around the world are walled off from the global economic system and the current financial services.
As China steps into a greater role in the global economic system, their banking system continues to evolve.
After confronting the «knowledge problem» at the heart of discretionary monetary policy — that policymakers are unable to know the true structure of an increasingly complex and global economic system — Dorn calls for the establishment of a Centennial Monetary Commission to evaluate the performance of the Fed over its 100 - plus years of discretionary monetary authority and to discuss how best to reform the country's central bank.
The use of cryptocurrency allowed for a way to circumvent inflation of the country's fiat as well as gain access to a global economic system.
An unbanked person can easily venture into the crypto sphere and take full advantage of the global economic system just by wandering into a corner store, buying a popular gift card, and then exchanging it on the Paxful platform.
But «just saying no» to the global economic system is not going to improve that system to the benefit of the poor.
«We clearly have a global economic system that allows this to happen,» Eldebo said, «We need to look beyond the numbers at what the actual consequence is for this because what we're seeing from our work is clearly we have 3 billion people who have very little.
It is my understanding that as India has more fully entered the global economic system, the distinctiveness of Kerala has declined.
The West... believe [s] that the non-Western peoples should commit themselves to the Western values of democracy, free markets, limited government, human rights, individualism, the rule of law and embody these values in their institutions... What is universalism to the West is imperialism to the rest... The West is, for instance, attempting to integrate the economies of the non-Western societies into a global economic system which it dominates.5
Friedman does not discuss how the global economic system systematically lowers wages throughout the world.
Many who support this kind of development also give moral and political support to the top down policies that dominate the global economic system.
But commentators were not wrong to highlight Pope Francis's sharp words about today's global economic system.
He goes on to say that we now see, if we haven't before, that our global economic system, which governs or determines the ways in which we get our food, our water, our clothing, our electricity, the fuel by which we heat our homes and empower our machines, etc., etc. — this system is highly vulnerable.
I do not know why it was delated but may be I referred to too «dangerous» places on the net revealing the ongoing manipulation within the global economic system?
«A global economic system does not just fade out.
The oppression of Blacks, the destruction of the biosphere, the perpetuation of patriarchy, the exploitation of the Third World, and cruelty to animals are all profoundly enforced by the global economic system.
But as followers of Christ, I think it's very important for everyone to get to know the present truth of the global economic system because it includes all of us.
Yes, there's a great deal about the global economic system to criticize, but the Holy Father tends to use a rhetorical machete rather than an analytical scalpel.
No UK Party has advanced realistic proposals for a global economic system for the 21st century.
Then there's the unequal distribution of wealth through a global economic system that has the super-poor work for almost nothing to supply the super-markets of the super-rich.
It was a time of trepidation and worries about the health of the global economic system.
Sovereign wealth funds have emerged as one of the new pillars in the global economic system.
Also, while consumer debt is falling and corporate debt is not yet at crisis levels, keep in mind that government debt has skyrocketed — ironically, as a response to slow growth in the global economic system.
There's a good forty years in which I might die early, or the global economic system might entirely collapse, or a rich old white dude might embezzle the pension funds and they'd never get returned.
Accordingly, the book is very wide ranging topically, covering issues from the discovery of the puzzling roots of cholera's epidemiology, to the effects of large storms on the behavior of the insurance industry, to the social disruptions arising from hurricanes and warfare, to the roots of the problems with the global economic system — and much in between.
After 1950 you can see that major Earth System changes became directly linked to changes related to the global economic system.
Bill McKibben's examination of the global economic system and his recommendations for a more sustainable economic future.
UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres stated bluntly: «Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to change the global economic system...» In simpler terms, she intends to replace free enterprise, entrepreneurial capitalism with UN-controlled centralized, One World government and economic control.
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