Sentences with phrase «global economy means»

A stressed global economy means no easy deals for practitioners.
The global economy means that sometimes, the best talent comes to organizations from around the world.
They assumed that China's opening up to the global economy meant that the country was moving down a path closer to western models.

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When central banks around the world cut rates after the recession, it was meant to be a temporary measure to help stimulate the global economy.
He believes it likely means the Fed is less worried that the slowing global economy and a weaker China is particular is likely to drag the U.S. into a recession.
In the rampaging, skills - hungry global economy of the 1990s, employee stock options have become the new manna — a widely accepted means of attracting and retaining key workers.
Several other countries, including Canada, the U.K. and Singapore, already offer such a visa, and the bill's supporters see it as a crucial means of staying competitive in the global economy.
If Trump's budget were enacted, it would signal to the world that we really don't mean what we say, and we have no intention of helping Americans remain competitive in a global, information - oriented economy.
Canada was able to eliminate its deficit in three years without plunging into recession, he says, because it was largely alone in pursuing austerity, which meant a big lift from a strong global economy.
For foreigners, including Canadian investors, it means that the global economy's last, best hope might be fading fast.
In other words, the global economy is in a bad place going forward and that means the Canadian economy is in a bad place as well.
The uncertainty created by a tumultuous global economy and uncertainty about the future means B2B buyers give extra attention to driving down costs and putting more pressure on reducing price whenever they can.
Investors worried about valuations reverting to historical means are assuming that the global economy returns to a pre-crisis state, one that now looks confined to the history books, we believe.
Click on the image to watch me and Rick discuss China's intervention and what this means for the global economy.
When oil prices go up, that means the global economy is better, and when oil goes down, supposedly that's a reflection of a much weaker economy.
Recent turmoil in the stock market and global economy might cause the FOMC to continue along its current course, which would mean keeping the federal funds rate near zero.
But even though Trump attaches meaning to irrelevant metrics like bilateral trade deficits in a global economy, where two - thirds of trade flows are intermediate goods and only 3.6 % of the value of an Apple iPhone is Chinese (yet the entire $ 179 cost is chalked up as an import from China, exacerbating the bilateral deficit), the fact is that frictions in the relationship have been increasing since well before this president assumed office.
The speech starts by setting out three key themes of the Bank's recent communication about Australia's transition from the resources sector boom to more normal economic conditions: that the sheer scale of the boom means that this transition is challenging, and that the broader global environment compounds the challenge; that a reasonably successful transition is possible given our economy's positive fundamentals and flexibility; and that monetary policy is doing what it can to help the transition, but that the chances of success would be boosted by a lift in productivity growth and an increase in the expected risk - adjusted rate of return on investment.
For the first time in seven years, the global economy is getting in sync — meaning both developed and emerging market economies are recovering at the same time.
And I want to register my strong conviction that we need to work toward a bottom - up economy in which many of the necessities of life are produced locally by individuals and companies that have their roots in the communities and do not see progress as meaning going national and global.
Economy improve three way No 1 free birds meaning open immigration to all country No 2 open business policy according global law No 3 all country same currency
As soon as their countries opened up the economy to the outside world, poor women and girls were targeted as the easiest means to make profit at the growing global sex market.
To address global warming, Steyer and others fund groups that use whatever means available to fight any expansion of the «carbon economy
But our success in sustaining peace after World War II, which involved rebuilding societies in decimated Europe and Japan and promoting global markets, meant our highly monopolized, government - controlled economy eventually had to face competition from abroad.
Equally in terms of the bigger picture the continuing uncertainty with regards to the global economy and the perilous situation in the Eurozone means the public and media are still willing to go along with the programme of cuts for fear of becoming another Greece.
Not only is the EU signing these deals, but the absence of the US from the world stage under Trump means it is starting to dictate how the global economy functions.
That means committing together to make the reforms we need to our economies to get growth in the global economy working again, including involving organisations like the IMF.
«This means more attention may be needed to reduce greenhouse gases across all sectors of the global economy
A relentless suspense thriller that enters the hidden world where the rich and the brilliant collide, where a handful of bright, driven young men and women have the means to make or break the technology that will dominate the global economy.
The global economy will continue to grow, but that doesn't mean that your eLearning business must be lost in the competition.
And these constitutional provisions — which most courts interpret as creating a right to instruction that equips students to compete in the global economy — could provide a means for families in substandard schools to demand reform.
Raj Nair, Ford's group vice president of global product development, told reporters those rules date «back to the 1970s, and they were created by the EPA as a general means to provide fuel economy labels without having to test every single vehicle in the industry.»
Recent turmoil in the stock market and global economy might cause the FOMC to continue along its current course, which would mean keeping the federal funds rate near zero.
In today's global economy, all sorts of produce are available everywhere, but that doesn't mean you should eat everything year - round.
For CIBC Chief Economist Benjamin Tal all this really means is that the global economy is going through a rebalancing.
Our very own BoC governor also warned us earlier this year that the underlying forces within the global economy are slow movers: «This means that the theme of divergence — both financial and economic — is likely to remain with us for some time to come.»
When central banks around the world cut rates after the recession, it was meant to be a temporary measure to help stimulate the global economy.
Investing in the stock market as a whole though, as index funds do, means you're effectively investing in the American economy (and even larger than that, since we have plenty of global companies).
One - year returns do not mean that this fund - or the Brazilian economy, for that matter - will repeat that same performance this year or at any point in the future, but it does illustrate the potential for explosive growth in certain international markets as recovery from the global economic crisis continues.
Maybe U.S. based companies are doing «well» (whatever that means), but we live in a global economy.
Maybe that's what Robert Zoellick meant when he talked about gold as a reference point for the global economy.
I disagree with point 2 from the WSJ article because a stronger global economy not only means that profits will rise, but also the cost of capital.
It just means we need to recognize the impact higher rates will have on the U.S. and global economy and corporate growth.
The improved global economy also means that the traveling public is traveling more.
Tourism has been identified by more than half of the world's poorest countries as an effective means to take part in the global economy and reduce poverty.
DeMatteo feels they haven't peaked yet as the strong line - up for the rest of the year in the wake of the global economy only means increased sales.
The primary and most literal conception of what it means to dig investigates the labor of unearthing natural resources and material data and its relation to a global economy that valorizes service and information industries.
Often, the material becomes a means of investigating the narratives of place, each locally sourced element inviting connections to global networks of history, economy, and politics.
They reveal value beyond the mainstream market, like Jeanne van Heeswijk's project in Rotterdam's Afrikaanderwijk district, or show that trade in a global economy also means non-monetary cultural exchange, as in Meschac Gaba's artistic currency exchange bureau.
What that sciencey - sounding gibberish about «unproved variables» means is that you don't want to see trillions of dollars in wealth shift from the fossil fuel corporations to other sectors of the industrial economy, therefore, anthropogenic global warming can not be true.
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