Sentences with phrase «global energy imbalance»

Humans have caused a large global energy imbalance by increasing the greenhouse effect.
Simple Hansen - style thermodynamic heat - balance models that predict accelerating global energy imbalance.
Date: January 31, 2014 Subject: Your Blog Post at SkepticalScience and an Invitation from WattsUpWithThat From: Bob Tisdale To: Kevin Trenberth — NCAR Dear Kevin: I note that you were co-author of the SkepticalScience blog post Warming oceans consistent with rising sea level & global energy imbalance along with Dana Nuccitelli and Rob Painting.
They found the global energy imbalance was 0.5 (± 0.43) W / m2, smaller than previous estimates.
A global energy imbalance of 0.9 W / m2 means the planet is accumulating 145 x 1020 joules per year.
Normal weather also interferes by generating clouds that reflect the sunshine, and there are fluctuations in the global energy imbalance from month to month.
Third, as Roger Pielke Sr. is fond of pointing out, very little of the global energy imbalance actually goes into heating the surface and atmosphere.
We also know from satellite observations that the planet is accumulating heat due to a global energy imbalance (measured at the top of the atmosphere).
The bottom line is that all available ocean heat content data show that the oceans and global climate continue to build up heat at a rapid pace, consistent with the global energy imbalance observed by satellites.
Aside from the fact that we measure that warming directly, we also know that there is a global energy imbalance due to the fact that humans have increased the greenhouse effect.
A new paper by Trenberth et al. (2014) notes that the amount of heat accumulating in the global climate (most of which is absorbed by the oceans) is generally consistent with the observed global energy imbalance (see the previous post for further details).
The reason global heat content is increasing is that there is a global energy imbalance caused primarily by the anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing.
This is because global warming is caused by a global energy imbalance - something causing the Earth to retain more heat, such as an increase in solar radiation reaching the surface, or an increased greenhouse effect.
1) Basic physics - human fossil fuel combustion has increased the greenhouse effect, causing a global energy imbalance, which the planet responds to by warming.
For starters, a long - term increase in the average global temperature must be caused by a global energy imbalance - an external radiative forcing.
In fact, we know there remains unrealized warming from the greenhouse gases we've already emitted because there is a global energy imbalance.
▷ Best Available Climate Science Derives from thermodynamic considerations associated to conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and increase of entropy, as instantiated by radiation transport theory, as calculated by slide - rule, and as affirmed by paleo - evidence and by sustained observation of global energy imbalance.
There is currently a global energy imbalance, and reaching a new equilibrium state will take over a century.
JoeT - Figure 1 is from model simulations with a global energy imbalance of 1 W / m2.
The pedant in me strikes again: - Eric@Response @ 37 is saying that the continuing rise in Ocean Heat Content infers a continuing global energy imbalance.
Given the global energy imbalance which should leave us with ~ 0.6 °C unrealized warming at present, why is there no additional warming in the apocalypse scenario?
The term «radiative forcing» refers to a global energy imbalance on Earth, which may be caused by various effects like changes in the greenhouse effect or solar activity.
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