Sentences with phrase «global energy needs well»

Meanwhile, experts at the International Energy Agency, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and elsewhere have all concluded that fossil fuels will continue to meet about 75 percent of global energy needs well into the middle of this century.

Not exact matches

They then come up with another bizarre statement, that «government is on trial as well as the markets» when everyone actually knows there is a need for restoring a strong positive role for government which alone was able to bail out the banks and prevent a global economic crash as well as alone having the capacity to deal with soaring energy bills and transport fares, tackle climate change, and counter the bonus greed and tax avoidance of the super-rich.
The researchers call for a need to move beyond a sole focus on mitigating the effects of climate change to reach solutions that consider global carbon reduction targets as well as local energy and environmental contexts.
Advanced nuclear power plants might be the best way to meet future energy needs without worsening global warming
«One of the benefits of this study is that you can get a much better global, spatial quantification of that veer — and that's fabulous, that's exactly what a wind turbine designer needs,» said Sandy Butterfield, chairman of the International Electrotechnical Commission Renewable Energy (IECRE), the organization that writes the standards for wind turbines and other renewable energy equiEnergy (IECRE), the organization that writes the standards for wind turbines and other renewable energy equienergy equipment.
In 2006, I interviewed dozens of experts on energy, climate, and the economy for a story in our ongoing Energy Challenge series, and more than a few warned then that, in the world of politics and policy, the need to deal with a growing global oil crunch could well trump the need to curb greenhouse gases and limit long - term climate energy, climate, and the economy for a story in our ongoing Energy Challenge series, and more than a few warned then that, in the world of politics and policy, the need to deal with a growing global oil crunch could well trump the need to curb greenhouse gases and limit long - term climate Energy Challenge series, and more than a few warned then that, in the world of politics and policy, the need to deal with a growing global oil crunch could well trump the need to curb greenhouse gases and limit long - term climate risks.
In his foreword to the report, Robert A. G. Monks, corporate governance expert and founder of Institutional Shareholder Services, writes: «The world needs leadership in making the best decisions about global warming and world energy needs for the next fifty years.
The need to develop a new ecologically and economically sustainable energy system may take decades to complete, but will not be possible if scientific, technical, economic, and policy innovations — and regional as well as global collaborations — are not developed, shared, and implemented.
Wind energy is well positioned to meet Canada's future electricity needs in a clean, reliable and cost - competitive way while also helping Canada to address the global climate change challenge.
Deep energy transformation needed by 2050 to limit rise in global temperature Limiting the rise in global mean temperature to well below 2 °C would require an energy transition of exceptional scope, depth and speed 20 March 2017
(Other parts of the model need to be adjusted to retrieve a good global mean TOA energy balance but are not the main drivers of this behavior.)
Exactly, but using good numbers not a «hotchpotch assembly» for which it is claimed to be global temperature (there is no such thing, there is global energy content, but that is totally different story) So calculate correlation CET - GT from 1880 using 5 year bin averaging P.S. your statement on natural variability on decadal scale is grossly misleading, you got about 130 years of good records so you need to look at multi-decadal picture.
The melting of glaciers will affect people around the world, their drinking water supplies, water needed to grow food and supply energy, as well as global sea levels.
As Eban Goodstein, Director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, so aptly shared immediately following the election, «Our work will not go away... Meeting the needs of billions of more people all aspiring to a better quality of life demands that we still rewire the world with clean energy, still reinvent the global food system, still rebuild smart and inclusive cities, and fundamentally, put sustainability and sufficiency at the heart of what we are doing on the planet.
More: Energy Information Administration Global Carbon Emissions US Emission Reduction Targets Inadequate: IPCC Chair and Lord Stern Play Good Cop - Bad Cop We Need to Make Climate Freeloaders Pay Up!
Efficiency is good and we should strive for more, but it won't eliminate the need to develop enormous quantities of cheap and zero carbon energy to meet the demands of the growing global economy.6, 7 Can't we solve global warming with renewables?
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