Sentences with phrase «global evaluation»

The most comprehensive global evaluation of fisheries bycatch impacts on large marine species, published this month in the journal Ecosphere, revealed that sea turtle populations in the East Pacific, North Atlantic, Southwest Atlantic, and Mediterranean face higher bycatch and mortality rates.
Georgia recently began working as NIOST's Principal Investigator working in collaboration with Global Evaluation and Applied Research Solution (GEARS) on the 21st Century Community Learning Centers State Monitoring and Technical Assistance Project with the Federal Department of Education.
A recent global evaluation by the LISTA Consortium at University of Edinburgh showed significant increases in the number of words identified correctly in manipulated speech signals, over unaltered speech.
Consulta de Rewrite the Future Global Evaluation, Angola Midterm Country Report.
Previously, J.R. was vice president, global evaluations at Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations, Inc..
In contrast, she noted that a self - reported measure of visual ability is likely to capture more global evaluations of vision including trouble seeing, difficulty reading newspaper print, and difficulty seeing a familiar person across a room's length that provide insight into the day - to - day implications of poor vision.
and Global Evaluations of Worth, e.g., «He is a piece of sh & % for talking to me like that!»
Dr. Cohn co-chaired a task force that created recommendations for a global evaluation system for neuroblastoma.
Two statements of scientific consensus forthcoming in 2013 will provide an opportunity to set the record straight: the National Climate Assessment, which lays out observed and anticipated trends in the U.S., and the Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a global evaluation of the peer - reviewed literature conducted by thousands of researchers.
From this perspective, subjective well - being is a cumulative state, where one's satisfaction within various life domains (work, leisure, family, etc.) leads to a global evaluation of one's satisfaction with life.
Satisfaction with life is a global evaluation of one's life satisfaction (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985).
Third, although most past research in this area has used unitary measures of child adjustment (e.g., internalizing or externalizing problems), these global evaluations need to be complemented by more specific indices in order to identify particular outcomes that may be more proximal or distal to particular aspects of marital conflict (Grych & Fincham, 1990).
The predictors of the global evaluation of relationship quality are the three dimensions of the love triangle: intimacy, passion and commitment.
We seek to enhance our understanding of «his» and «her» marriage by examining gender differences in both positive and negative marital appraisals and in the associations between these specific appraisals and global evaluations of one's marriage.
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