Sentences with phrase «global factors play»

Our econometric analysis shows that global factors play a dominant role in driving inflation at the individual country level; our measure of the global output gap has begun to increase, and should rise further as emerging markets recover, exerting upward pressure on inflation rates.

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Day trading any security is a risky venture, but any related to the global oil market are particularly volatile due to the myriad of factors at play.
In its Global Packaging Trends 2018 report, Mintel states that packaging will play a pivotal role in reducing global food and product waste, but there are other factors that come into play when it comes to packaging develoGlobal Packaging Trends 2018 report, Mintel states that packaging will play a pivotal role in reducing global food and product waste, but there are other factors that come into play when it comes to packaging develoglobal food and product waste, but there are other factors that come into play when it comes to packaging development.
Despite these flaws, global models are increasingly credible: when fed the factors at play in climate over the past 100 years, they accurately match what has been observed to occur.
Several factors are at play in the skyrocketing prices, reflecting both rising global demand and falling supplies of food grains.
Too much debate treats temperature (and especially the most recent global average) as the sole indicator, whereas many other factors are at play including sea levels, ocean acidity, ice sheets, ecosystem trends, and many more.
The Global Liveable Cities Index (GLCI) takes into account the sensibilities of ordinary working people from 64 cities, balancing work and play, environmental awareness, localism, globalism and many other factors.
Although they are a global phenomenon, scientists have identified certain hot spots: New Zealand, Australia, and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, all of which share key geographic characteristics like sloping beaches and fine - grained sediment — factors thought to play a role in strandings.
Polar amplification, in which temperatures at the poles rise more rapidly than temperatures at the equator (due to factors like the global atmospheric and oceanic circulation of heat from the equator to the poles), plays a major role in the rate of ice sheet retreat.
Although this is still not clear the global climate does play a major factor in conservation on the barrier reef in Belize.
The Rabbs» tree frog is just the latest victim in a growing global wave of amphibian die - offs, with a host of factors in play, from land clearing and ultraviolet radiation to pollution and climate shifts.
The evidence that global warming is occurring, and furthermore is due in large part to human influences (though perhaps other factors also play a role), is much stronger than the evidence I have personally seen that Inhofe exists.
Polar amplification, in which temperatures at the poles rise more rapidly than temperatures at the equator (due to factors like the global atmospheric and oceanic circulation of heat from the equator to the poles), plays a major role in the rate of ice sheet retreat.
I am very well aware and have previously blogged that there are multiple factors that determine the degree of ice lost any given year — but the literature is clear that even in 2007, global warming played «a large part» (see «What drove the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007?
Scientists have long shied away from attributing any one small - scale event - irrespective of its magnitude - to global warming, reasoning that the complexity and number of factors at play makes it extremely difficult,
The person playing a climatologist in the video claimed the UHI bias was a big factor in global warming.
I do think they «aren't needed» to support the assertion that various global warming - related factors have observably played a role in causing, contributing to, and / or greatly exacerbating the destructive effects of recent «extreme weather events».
«Many other important impacts of climate change are difficult to quantify for a given change in global average temperature, in part because temperature is not the only driver of change for some impacts; multiple environmental and other human factors come into play
Oleg Sorokhtin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Ocean Studies, and many other Russian scientists maintain that global climate depends predominantly on natural factors, such as solar activity, precession (wobbling) of the Earth's axis, changes in ocean currents, fluctuations in saltiness of ocean surface water, and some other factors, whereas industrial emissions do not play any significant role.
Many factors — like the thermohaline circulation, which reverses direction at the poles as warm salty water releases heat into the air and sinks down to the bottom — are heavily influenced by the ocean's salinity, and thus, the movement of freshwater into and around the Arctic plays an important role in shaping both regional and global climate.
Anyway with El Niño fading away and possibly a new El Nina with other natural cooing factors coming in to play there is a good chance of another decade or more of «Pausing» or cooling in global temperatures which is itself a stupid concept as it cools and heats in different places of the planet dependent on the local climate conditions an average is meaningless — you really need to dream up some more dire alarmist nonsense to keep your show on the road.
Another paper criticized Wentz's analysis because he did not consider other factors which play a role in precipitation such as global brightening during the period of study; and the error bars in Wentz's estimate of the evaporation rate increase was considerable.
The truth is that the impact of global warming on tornadoes remains uncertain, because the underlying science is nuanced and there are competing factors that come into play.
Since political volatility racks many of the world's largest oil exporters — Nigeria, Venezuela, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, etc — it plays a very real factor in influencing both global supply and the risk premium of the oil coming out of the region.
Factors that come into play for regional weather (and indeed global weather) are Earth's seasons, ocean patterns, upper winds, Arctic sea ice, and the shifting shape of the jet stream (see below).
[2] However, there is an extremely wide range of natural variability in tropical cyclone activity, and other factors affected by climate change, such as wind shear and the global pattern of regional sea surface temperatures, also play controlling and potentially contradictory roles.
If the greenhouse effect played such a small role [edit], there should be an ENORMOUS climate sensitivity to «natural factors», which in turn strongly suggests there should be a much higher variability in global temperatures on a year - to - year basis.
A variety of factors can come into play, from the personal (e.g. your credit score, the quality of your home security system) to the more global (e.g. your neighborhood's crime rate, the proximity of your home to a fire station).
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