Sentences with phrase «global land areas since»

That's not what the data shows - Vose et al 2005; «Minimum temperature increased about twice as fast as maximum temperature over global land areas since 1950, resulting in a broad decline in the diurnal temperature range...», and Zhou et al 2009; «Observations show that the surface diurnal temperature range (DTR) has decreased since 1950s over most global land areas...» would disagree.
Diaz, H.F., Bradley, R.S. and Eischeid, J.L., 1989: Precipitation fluctuations over global land areas since the late 1800s.

Not exact matches

Arora, V. K. & Melton, J. R. (2018) Reduction in global area burned and wildfire emissions since 1930s enhances carbon uptake by land, doi: 10.1038 / s41467 -018-03838-0
And while you are doing that, davie, you might tell us in your own words how less than 1c warming since the end of the little ice age and the beginning of the industrial revolution, measured with ever changing systems in areas of exponential land use change by people who have a total, consensual belief in global warming by ACO2 and no demonstrable scientific scepticism whatsoever, must constitute a «bad thing», awa being scientifically based and believable.
But since you include land, this seems much easier, in terms beginning to explain it [though I don't think land areas are as important in terms driving global climate].
Bradley, R.S., Diaz, H.F., Jones, P.D. and Kelly, P.M., 1987: Secular fluctuations of temperature over Northern Hemisphere land areas and mainland China since the mid-19th century, In: The Climate of China and Global Climate, (eds.
Mean sea level (MSL) evolution has a direct impact on coastal areas and is a crucial index of climate change since it reflects both the amount of heat added in the ocean and the mass loss due to land ice melt (e.g. IPCC, 2013; Dieng et al., 2017) Long - term and inter-annual variations of the sea level are observed at global and regional scales.
Not much, since the BEST data only covers the land (~ 30 % of the global area).
The statement, «This fits within the context of a long - term warming trend both here and around the globe,» Crouch said is still misleading or plain wrong as the trend of US and Canadian annual temperatures has been declining for nearly two decades (17 years) or since 1998, North America which is cooling, not warming represents 16 % of global land areas
Human activity has also had a net negative effect on total global photosynthetic productivity since the most productive areas of land are directly in the path of urban sprawl [24].
Further, because they are short - lived, these sulfate dimming effects really only can be expected to operate over in a few isolated areas around land - based industrial areas, limiting their effect on global temperatures since they effect only a quarter or so of the globe.
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