Sentences with phrase «global liquid ocean»

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More amazingly, we now know that beneath the crust of Enceladus is a global ocean of liquid saltwater and organic molecules, all being heated by hydrothermal vents on the seafloor.
In the 1990s the Galileo space probe collected convincing evidence that Jupiter's large moon Europa has a global ocean of liquid water beneath its frozen surface.
The discovery of a vast lake of liquid carbon dioxide beneath the ocean floor off Taiwan has startled earth scientists and raised hopes for a new strategy against carbon dioxide — related global warming.
Images from NASA's Galileo probe a few years ago, coupled with previous observations, suggest that Europa's ice - covered surface may conceal a global, liquid ocean tens of kilometers deep.
For half a century, the Florida State University Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute (GFDI) has been a global leader in the study of fluid flow and motion — the ways that the circulation of liquids and gases influence our oceans, atmosphere and groundwater.
Enceladus is subject to forces that heat a global ocean of liquid water under its icy surface, resulting in its famous south polar water jets which are just visible below the moon's dark, southern limb.
This constant flexing of Europa by Jupiter's immense gravity melts its interior in the same way it melts that of neighboring moon Io, in essence keeping the water ice layers in the interior of Europa in a liquid state that form a global underground ocean.
Among the probe's major discoveries were Titan's liquid methane seas and a global ocean on Saturn's moon Enceladus that showed evidence of hydrothermal activity.
Gliese 581 d orbits within its host star's habitable zone and so may have liquid surface water in a deep global ocean, as a «water world» (more).
bozzza - The differences in the Arctic are perhaps 1/4 the ocean thermal mass as global ocean averages, small overall size (the smallest ocean), being almost surrounded by land (which warms faster), more limited liquid interchanges due to bottlenecking than the Antarctic, and very importantly considerable susceptibility to positive albedo feedbacks; as less summer ice is present given current trends, solar energy absorbed by the Arctic ocean goes up very rapidly.
For instance the earth's global ocean already has an albedo close to zero so greenhouse gases are limited there and because GHGs modus operandi is restricting radiative cooling and the ocean is still free to cool evaporatively there is no first order significant effect of greenhouse gases over a liquid ocean.
Cho, H. - M., Z. Zhang, K. Meyer, M. Lebsock, S. Platnick, A.S. Ackerman, L. Di Girolamo, L.C. Labonnote, C. Cornet, J. Riedi, and R.E. Holz, 2015: Frequency and causes of failed MODIS cloud property retrievals for liquid phase clouds over global oceans.
Atmospheric CO2 is a first order cause or effect when the global ocean presents a mostly liquid surface.
O'Dell, C. W., Wentz, F. J. & Bennartz, R. Cloud liquid water path from satellite - based passive microwave observations: a new climatology over the global oceans.
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