Sentences with phrase «global mean trend»

Hence our estimate which gives equal weight to both hemispheres exhibits a smaller trend, as you noticed, but it still somewhat overestimates the true global mean trend.
Again, this is much lower than the global mean trend of 0.065 °C / decade over the same period.
This trend is much lower than the 0.08 °C / decade global mean trend over the period.
The fix leads to an increase of about 50 % in the UAH global mean trend (0.086 to 0.12 deg / decade).
# 4 That Global mean trends are not simply averages of all weather stations has been discussed in many different ways, none of which meet such a simplistic sentence that I remember except comments to the effect how could a person discern if only one trend could be used or how much noise using all the trends entail.
«Note: LOTI provides a more realistic representation of the global mean trends than dTs below; it slightly underestimates warming or cooling trends, since the much larger heat capacity of water compared to air causes a slower and diminished reaction to changes.»
Note: LOTI provides a more realistic representation of the global mean trends than dTs below; it slightly underestimates warming or cooling trends, since the much larger heat capacity of water compared to air causes a slower and diminished reaction to changes; dTs on the other hand overestimates trends, since it disregards most of the dampening effects of the oceans that cover about two thirds of the Earth's surface.
The «note» you refer to goes: «Note: LOTI provides a more realistic representation of the global mean trends than dTs below; it slightly underestimates warming or cooling trends, since the much larger heat capacity of water compared to air causes a slower and diminished reaction to changes; dTs on the other hand overestimates trends, since it disregards most of the dampening effects of the oceans that cover about two thirds of the earth's surface.»

Not exact matches

Managing this turnaround meant watching both global trends and branch - level details.
Thanks to technology and the internet, consumers around the world have access to the same ideas, meanings and values, which translate into global consumer trends, demands and aspirations.
This feature article draws on recent work by the Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS) to investigate trends in market - making and what they mean for the financial system (CGFS (2014)-RRB-.2 We use a simple conceptual framework to assess how supply and demand for liquidity have changed in fixed income markets, particularly in markets for sovereign and corporate bonds.
For our 100th issue, we examine the main global trends driving consumer behaviour in 2018 and what they mean for the domestic wine market in the next few years.
I think you mistake the historical trend of adjustments to the bitcoin difficulty generally being upward, with the actual mechanism where the difficulty is adjusted to keep the global mean - time - to - valid - block constant, because of the other historical trend of mining power going up.
«Given the current climate — I mean, political situation — in Washington, I'm wondering whether highlighting [clean energy] is something we still want to do,» board member G. P. (Bud) Peterson asked today during the board's review of the next edition of Science & Engineering Indicators, a biennial compendium of global trends in science and technology.
«The scientific community is only beginning to understand what it would mean for global climate should this trend continue, as predicted by some climate models.»
Global mean surface temperatures have risen by 0.74 °C ± 0.18 °C when estimated by a linear trend over the last 100 years (1906 — 2005).
Most of the focus has been on the global mean temperature trend in the models and observations (it would certainly be worthwhile to look at some more subtle metrics — rainfall, latitudinal temperature gradients, Hadley circulation etc. but that's beyond the scope of this post).
There were no significant trends in mean annual total precipitation or total precipitation affected area but we did observe a significant increase in mean annual rain - free days, where the mean number of dry days increased by 1.31 days per decade and the global area affected by anomalously dry years significantly increased by 1.6 % per decade.
Based on the linear trend, for the 0 to 3,000 m layer for the period 1961 to 2003 there has been an increase of ocean heat content of approximately 14.2 ± 2.4 × 1022 J, corresponding to a global ocean volume mean temperature increase of 0.037 °C during this period.
This means that when modern global warming trend began in the 1970's, the correlation between sun and climate broke down.
It is now clear that, for thirty years, we have been in a strong global warming trend at a rate of about 0.2 Celsius per decade for the past 30 years, [meaning] there has been 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.56 degrees Celsius) global warming in the past 30 years.
Thresholds can be set based on gender, territory and network; this means that Global Personals are able to provide a fully tailored set of information to the tool based on a variety of typical scammer behaviours for certain demographics, as particular trends on specific kinds of dating sites (mature, for example) are identifiable.
High levels of government and household debt, heightened interest rate sensitivity, unfavorable demographic trends, weakened financial systems and complex global and financial inter-linkages mean that heightened macroeconomic volatility will almost certainly be a fact of life in coming years and decades.
«North Korean women are not familiar with global trends, but this doesn't mean that they are not preoccupied with their look.
If mean global temperatures trending significantly upward over the last 100 years isn't worrying enough for you, how about that giant piece of Antarctica that is about to crack off and sink into the ocean... I don't know how the existence of global warming is still a debate!
If as suggested here, a dynamically driven climate shift has occurred, the duration of similar shifts during the 20th century suggests the new global mean temperature trend may persist for several decades.
* However, the same panel then concluded that «the warming trend in global - mean surface temperature observations during the past 20 years is undoubtedly real and is substantially greater than the average rate of warming during the twentieth century.
You can also see in this graph that the warming trend in the global data for the low troposphere, if we consider the whole set of data, i.e. from the average between 1980 - 1982 till now, with now meaning the average of the last three years, the warming trend is, AT MOST, 0.115 ºC / decade (0.3 ºC in 26 years), but the graph is going down recently, so it should be even less.
/ / Corrections for the discontinuity are expected to alter the character of mid-twentieth century temperature variability but not estimates of the century - long trend in global - mean temperatures.
How much UHI contamination remains in the global mean temperatures has been tested in papers such as Parker (2005, 2006) which found there was no effective difference in global trends if one segregates the data between windy and calm days.
The adjustments are unlikely to significantly affect estimates of century - long trends in global - mean temperatures, as the data before, 1940 and after the mid-1960s are not expected to require further corrections for changes from uninsulated bucket to engine room intake measurements.
It is also a reversal of an earlier global - mean trend according to the longer radiosonde analyses.
Since the GCMs have clearly overpredicted the overall trend in global average mean temperature, and since there are other epochs where there fit to the overall trend is poor, I think that you confidence in an estimate of natural variability based on them is misplaced.
Does that mean the global mean surface temperature trends over the 20th Century, or just that some 20th Century data is used?
And global mean temperature trends are quite sensitive to observational products, masking, forcings in the models, and initial condition sensitivity.
B. Takes an adjustment to sea temperatures in a defined period and implies that it impacts the global mean temperatures trend estimates over the entire twentieth century.
3) The overall accuracy at the global mean level is at least 2 % (one sigma) in the cloud amounts and thus none of the trends or apparent cyclic behaviour at the global mean level are significant.
Global mean SST has increased by about 0.1 [degrees Celsius per] decade since 1951 but has no significant trend for the period 1998 - 2013.
In the global mean, there isn't much of an issue for the mid-troposphere — the models and data track each other when you expect they would (the long term trends or after volcanoes, and don't where you expect them not to, such as during La Niña / El Niño events which occur at different times in models and observations).
Global warming does not mean no winter, it means winter start later, summer hotter, as Gary Peters said «The global average surface temperature has risen between 0.6 °C and 0.7 °C since the start of the twentieth century, and the rate of increase since 1976 has been approximately three times faster than the century - scale trend.&Global warming does not mean no winter, it means winter start later, summer hotter, as Gary Peters said «The global average surface temperature has risen between 0.6 °C and 0.7 °C since the start of the twentieth century, and the rate of increase since 1976 has been approximately three times faster than the century - scale trend.&global average surface temperature has risen between 0.6 °C and 0.7 °C since the start of the twentieth century, and the rate of increase since 1976 has been approximately three times faster than the century - scale trend
Case 2 (Topex / Poseidon EOFs over 1993 — 2003) leads to a global mean sea level trend over the 54 - year time interval very close to the observed trend.
Large variability reduces the number of new records — which is why the satellite series of global mean temperature have fewer expected records than the surface data, despite showing practically the same global warming trend: they have more short - term variability.
No, you are wrong, RSS is consistent with models only if we look at global trends, but RSS trend for tropical «hot - spot» is out of 2 standard deviations limit of the model mean, just like UAH and all «uncorrected» radiosonde data sets.
[Response: The characterisation of the error in the global annual mean is wrong, and even if correct, the impact on the uncertainty in the trend is completely wrong.
Here, a 30 year running mean does a better job than a 5 year running mean to show trends, which is why I showed you a graph of global warming under a 30 year running mean.
What we find is that when interannual modes of variability in the climate system have what I'll refer to as an «episode,» shifts in the multi-decadal global mean temperature trend appear to occur.
The climate system appears to have had three distinct «episodes» during the 20th century (during the 1910's, 1940's, and 1970's), and all three marked shifts in the trend of the global mean temperature, along with changes in the qualitative character of ENSO variability.
First I calculated the land - only, ocean - only and global mean temperatures and MSU - LT values for 5 ensemble members, then I looked at the trends in each of these timeseries and calculated the ratios.
First, widespread claims that rising mean temperatures have already led to increases in worldwide malaria morbidity and mortality are largely at odds with observed decreasing global trends in both its endemicity and geographic extent.
Because the long - term warming trends are highly significant relative to our estimates of the magnitude of natural variability, the current decadal period of stable global mean temperature does nothing to alter a fundamental conclusion from the AR4: warming has unequivocally been observed and documented.
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