Sentences with phrase «global oil demand growth»

But one often - overlooked fact is that passenger cars represent only a relatively minor share of global oil demand growth.
However, recent encouraging data about global oil demand growth is making some observers and players in the industry more bullish on oil prices.
«Despite the progress so far, electric vehicles still have a long way to go before reaching a scale that would make a significant dent in global oil demand growth and greenhouse gas emissions,» said Dr Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency.
On the demand side, oil at $ 80 could hurt global oil demand growth, which was the tailwind last year to help OPEC significantly reduce the oversupply.
IEA releases Oil Market Report for August Global oil demand growth expected to slow through 2016 11 August 2016
According to a report by OPEC earlier this year, the increase in non-OPEC supply last year was more than twice that of global oil demand growth.
Oil at $ 80 could also slow down global oil demand growth, undermining one of the cartel and friends» key assumptions: that robust demand growth will absorb the non-OPEC supply and that demand growth will continue to be strong going forward.
Thus toward 2020, barring a deep global recession, global oil demand growth will eventually whittle away the inventory surplus and then collide with meager, insufficient supply capacity growth.
Global oil demand growth has been close to 2 million barrels per day, and supplies aren't growing anywhere close to that.
Yet the growth in oil demand from trucks has outpaced all other sectors — including passenger cars, aviation, industry and petrochemical feedstocks — since 2000 and contributed 40 % to global oil demand growth, a similar contribution as cars.
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