Sentences with phrase «global stability»

We also use them to help our clients feel the idea of global stability when performing exercises like single arm cable rows and presses.
Imagine what it would be like to actually go in and improve lives around the world, advance leadership skills and help increase global stability.
It is also necessary for improved energy security and enhanced global stability.
Cyberattacks are the greatest challenge threatening global stability, the German defense minister told CNBC Saturday.
«Increased yield variability is critical economically as it could weaken regional and global stability in wheat grain supply and food security, amplifying market and price fluctuations, as experienced during recent years,» says Professor Rötter.
Writing in the Times on Wednesday, Chief Executive Nigel Harris said the UK must be prepared to sacrifice financial gain for global stability.
Congratulations to Donald Trump and much looking forward to working with his administration on global stability and prosperity
Instead, Trump's tariffs will create tensions with our trading partners and undermine global stability.
But amid volatile global oil and gas markets, it held the potential to disrupt global stability — a point Zoellick specifically highlighted in his speech.
«We are encouraged by the steady economic recovery in the European Union as a further sign of broader global stability.
Britain's commitment on international development spending will also be honoured, helping to deliver global stability, support the Sustainable Development Goals and prevent new threats to national security.
«But climate change has increased the odds to the point that organisations concerned with food security or global stability need to be aware of this risk.»
The server stored more than 9,400 documents, mostly representing resumes of people who had applied for a job at TigerSwan, an international security and global stability firm.
However, it seems like cryptocurrency investors can expect to get some goods news from Buenos Aires as the Bank of England governor, Mark Carney has insisted that cryptocurrencies don't risk global stability and doesn't pose any threat to global finance.
Climate change could tip the scales for states already at risk of failing, ultimately threatening global stability and security, finds a new report funded by the European Commission.
Brigadier General (ret) Chris King, chief academic officer for the United States Army's Command and General Staff College, warned that failed states, extreme weather events and mass migration could be «debilitating» and represented real dangers to global stability in the coming years.
Poverty and inequality, illiteracy and ignorance, wars and violence still remain great threats for global stability and prosperity.
Those focused both on humanitarian relief efforts, often a military mission, and on combating rising instances of extremism (which are often fueled by economic desperation or inability to access shelter, food, and water) are now very concerned about the impact of climate change disruptions on global stability.
In the interest of global stability the world requires mitigation policy — most logically at UN level.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement that North Korea was «indiscriminately threatening its neighbors, the region and global stability
Mr Brown said that together the British and American governments would lead international efforts to tackle the most serious threats to global stability and prosperity.
At the launch of the Arab Spring and climate change report, Werz and other foreign affairs experts discussed the challenges of climate change in global stability — particularly in terms of food and water security and migration — and how the United States needs to rethink its foreign policy to incorporate these borderless challenges.
The biggest threat to global stability is the potential for food crises in poor countries to cause government collapse
«While the brain and the Internet clearly operate using very different mechanisms, both use simple local rules that give rise to global stability,» says Suen.
It's about what could be expected from an establishment candidate that believes human - caused climate change is a growing threat to global stability, but nowhere near what science and international equity dictates is necessary.
The group works to make the world safer by addressing seemingly intractable problems that threaten regional and global stability.
Global stability is threatened.
They therefore concluded that global warming «must be viewed as a serious threat to global stability and should be elevated beyond a scientific debate.»
«With millions of people forced to move each year by rapid - onset climate - related hazards and slow - onset environmental degradation, social wellbeing, human rights, economies and even state stability are at risk... at the highest level, climate change is being assessed as a risk to national security and potentially to global stability
In 1975, a then - classified National Security Council report outlined the dangers that rapid population growth posed to global stability.
In part, it is because our energy security is dependent on overseas supplies and global stability.
«Make no mistake: catastrophic climate change represents a threat to human security, global stability, and — yes — even to American national security.»
Immediately prior to joining Equal Justice Works, he served as Chief Development Officer and Vice President of the EastWest Institute, an international think tank focusing on conflict resolution in the service of global stability.
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