Sentences with phrase «global standards»

Our innovations have helped set global standards for quality coffee production.
As if a rise in global standard of living had nothing to do with it.
At first glance, the participation of a ski resort — a small business by global standards — would seem meaningless.
The lean startup method is quickly becoming the new global standard for business model development.
However, it would be better to get your profile written by a professional resume writer as the information presented there needs to be crisp and at par with global standards.
Our City must use our advantage to attract and retain talent and to continuously improve our competitiveness which also means adopting global standards related to the innovation economy.
Our success is centered on our commitment to providing high performance machines and customized solutions meeting and exceeding global standards while reducing total cost of ownership.
Japanese stocks are actually still quite cheap compared to current global standards.
Over the 40 years since it was first established, the group has grown in popularity and prestige, achieving global standards of product quality and service excellence.
The authors call for the development of common global standards for sustainable production of biofuels.
Without global standards, increasing global trade will add complexity and cost.
Consider what life and business would be like were there no global standards underlying many common activities.
It now includes global standards and recommends that the national criteria be based on them.
Can a new, global standard take on an existing, widespread fast - charging system?
We would oppose global standards for the same reasons we should oppose national standards.
All three cities will also have a dedicated service station that matches global standards.
Lack of knowledge and global standards often prevents them from implementing smart technologies and other measures.
The big vendors are working largely within global standards frameworks.
It might not be ideal, but at least a compromised global standard would bring greater certainty to the marketplace.
It's time for the industry to make global standards happen.
By that I mean global standards that go into planning things like electrical infrastructure.
Our houses are large by global standards, and we drive a fair amount.
Someone will recognize how significant these solutions are, and sooner or later they will become the new global standard for owning and operating commercial buildings.
JOHNSON»S ® cares best for babies because we understand what makes them special: we've been pioneering baby research and setting global standards in baby skin care for more than 125 years.
«Scientific evidence doesn't support the industry's statements about ARA and DHA,» said James Akre, a former member of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE), which sets global standards for lactation and breastfeeding care.
The Deputy Minister stated that cryptocurrency trading will soon become global standard practice.
The panel's report — which is used as the scientific basis for international climate negotiations — says those figures may double or even triple by the middle of the century as global standards of living improve and the world population increases.
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As a key member of «Blockchain Interoperability Alliance», ICON shares a common goal to interconnect with isolated blockchain networks and develop global standards for inter-blockchain networks.
Sethness is GFSI - certified (Global Food Safety Initiative) annually, meeting the requirements of BRC Global Standard of Food Safety.
The Accord Project hopes to solve that problem by creating global standards, just as the banking community did for international electronic payments several decades ago.
We give 1 Year International Warranty for every phone sold to our customers, our phones are company class 1 tested and approved by Global standard organization of wireless industry.
The Senate President, Bukola Saraki, said after approving the appointments said «We hope they contribute and continue to sustain free and credible elections in Nigeria by ensuring that the practices of the national electoral body in this country meet global standards
«You need to enhance regulation and supervision but, in implementing global standards, you also must take into account local circumstances.
Worked abroad with International partners to help establish global standards with international company
«As consumer demand for organic products continues to grow, the USDA organic seal has become a leading global standard.
The OECD is helping countries work together to put an end to offshore tax evasion by delivering a secure and cost effective system of a single global standard for automatic exchange of information.»
We continue to keep a close eye on the evolution of the corporate bond markets in China; the more transparency and steps towards global standards may help open the market up to a broader global market.
Today, the Pharmaceutical Industry is in dire need of training that combines creativity, innovation and skilling of employees and leaders to meet tough global standards.
The Aon Best Employers in Canada Study is the country's premier benchmark for assessing the quality and performance of workplace excellence using global standards based on more than 20 years of learnings and best practices from Aon studies conducted all over the world, relying on data collected in more than 150 markets from over 9,000 organizations in 68 industries, including over 734,000 employees and more than 500 companies of all sizes in Canada.
In London, studies have shown that every area of the capital has pollution levels higher than global standards recommend.
CERT ID's Non-GMO certification is the most widely recognized global standard for certifying non-GMO food production operations in the world.
Supported by industry leaders and prominent environmental conservation groups such as The Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the AWS Standard is the first comprehensive global standard for measuring responsible water stewardship, not just in terms of environmental criteria, but also social and economic dimensions.
We audit all projects against global standards, while developing bespoke strategies that drive our environmental agenda.
As part of CIOB's commitment to raising global standards in the built environment sector, the Academy will be launching free online CPD sessions in the coming months, including a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Ethics and Compliance.
ACORD, which is the insurance industry global standards organization, has standards for personal and commercial lines and has been working with the Australian General Insurers to develop those XML standards, standard applications for insurance, and certificates of currency.
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